Human Prolactin Improves Engraftment and Reconstitution of Human Peripheral Blood Lymphocytes in SCI

来源 :中国免疫学杂志(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:SilentWoolf_1981
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Recombinant human prolactin (rhPRL) was administered to huPBL-SCID mice to determine its effects on human immunologic reconsfitution and function. The huPBL-SCID mice were given 10 μg I.p. Injection of rhPRL every other day for a total of 10 injections after huPBL were transferred. The results demonstrated that rhPRL improved the engraftment of lymphocytes into thymus, lymph nodes and spleens, showing that the cellularities of these organs increased although the cellularities tended to vary depending on the donor. The amounts of human T cells (HLA-ABC+/CD3+) increased greatly in thymus (14.2 folds), spleen (4.16 folds) and lymph nodes (40.18 folds) after rhPRL injections. The amounts of human B cells (HLA-ABC+/CD19+) also increased greatly in lymph nodes (42.5 folds) and spleen (5.78 folds). The lymph node cells from the rhPRL-treated huPBL-SCID mice were more sensitive to PHA stimulation ([3H] thymidine incorporation). The supatant of PHA-stimulated PBL from rhPRL-treated huPBL/SCID chimerism contained more cytokines (IFN-γ and IL-2). The natural cytotoxicity against human sensitive target cells, K562 cells, from spleen and bone marrow of hPBL/SCID chimerism was significantly enhanced by rhPRL administration. The lymph node cells were stimulated with LPS in vitro for 3 days and the lymphocytes from the rhPRL-treated huPBL-SCID mice were more sensitive to mitogen stimulation. Both serum total IgG level and IgM level of rhPRL-treated huPBL/SCID chimerism were increased, and even without DT-rechallenge the base line of DT-specific IgG was elevated after rhPRL treatment in huPBL-SCID mice. Thus, rhPRL stimulation promotes reconstitution of rnhuman immune system in huPBL-SCID mice.
【摘 要】随着经济的发展,人民生活水平的提高,人们对于健康意识和维权意识也越来越高,心外科的护理工作得到了人们的关注。如何加强对心外科护理进行人性化的管理和对心外科护理人性化管理有什么意义,本文在这里针对这个问题进行简单的分析。  【关键词】心外科;护理;人性化管理  【中图分类号】R471 【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】1008-6455(2012)02-0109-01    前言
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