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他从田野走来,带着泥土的芬芳;他从山间走来,裹着山野的清凉。他皮肤黝黑,头戴一顶草帽,脚穿两只胶鞋,一只裤脚高高挽起,一只裤脚低低垂下,活像当地一位普通农民。为让农民实现增产增收梦,他呕心沥血30余载,研究培育出了一个又一个水稻优良品种,用自己的汗水 He came from the fields, with the fragrance of the earth; he came from the mountain, wrapped in the cool mountain. He was dark-skinned, wearing a straw hat, two rubber-soled shoes, a trousers-high, a trouser leg hanging down, like an ordinary farmer in the area. In order to allow farmers to increase production and increase their dreams, he worked hard for more than 30 years to study and cultivate one after another fine varieties of rice, using their own sweat
A simple and efficient procedure for synthesis of 1-hydroxymethylene-1,1-bisphos- phoates from aldehydes is described. This method was applied to the synthesis
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目的研究粉团蔷薇Rosa multiflora var.cathayensis根的化学成分。方法采用硅胶、HPLC等柱色谱方法进行分离纯化,并根据化合物的理化性质和光谱分析进行结构鉴定。结果从粉团
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A stereoselective synthesis of brassinolide and dolicholide, which involves construction of the side chain enantiomers by a highly stereoselective aldol reacti