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在四川西部的两江一河上游流域地区,是历史上我国藏羌地区古碉建筑极为发达的地区之一,而这一区域内的丹巴县则无论在过去或现在都以丰富的古碉建筑文化遗存而久负盛名,享有“千碉之国”的佳誉。漫游丹巴的山山水水、村村寨寨,古碉建筑极为醒目,令人震撼。丹巴县无论在历史上、还是现实中,都是古碉数量最多、分布范围最广、功能类型及外形形状最齐全,历史发展脉络最清晰、最久远的地区。 In the upper reaches of Liangjiang-Yihe River basin in the western part of Sichuan Province, it is one of the most developed areas in ancient Tibet and Qiang areas in the history of our country. However, Danba County in this area is rich in ancient towers Cultural relics and prestigious, enjoy the “Millennium of the country” reputation. Danba tour of the mountains and rivers, village Walled Village, ancient tower building is very eye-catching, stunning. Danba County, both in history and in reality, is the area with the largest number of ancient towers, the most extensive distribution, the most complete functional types and shapes, and the clearest and longest history of history.
名山古寺,丹凤朝阳。朝阳寺始建于南北朝末,距令已有一千丘五余年。唐朝毁于兵燹,明万历十八年(公元1590年)由弃官归隐之士丰原第重修。庙地宏广,方圆四十二丈,僧人 Famous
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IT was in the year 453 that the monk Tan Yao hurried to Pingcheng (present-day Datong in Shanxi Province) through the barren Loess Plateau of northern IT was i
本文介绍了热管换热器的特点以及在石油化工领域应用的实例,着重提出了在石油工业加热炉系统中应用热管换热器在工程设计中应考虑的几点问题及解决办法。 In this paper, the