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1999年3月,全国人大第二次会议通过的宪法修正案明确规定了“建设社会主义法治国家”的任务。宪法作为国家的根本大法,是依法治国、建设社会主义法治国家的最高法律保障。中央军委提出的新时期依法治军方针是依法治国方略的重要组成部分。宪法在实行依法治军中同样具有极为重要的地位和作用。宪法决定了新时期依法治军的性质,是依法治军的最高法律保障;在新时期的依法治军中必须坚持宪法规范的民主原则、法治原则、维护和保障权利原则、效率原则和监督原则;宪法确立了新时期依法治军的任务、目标和方向 In March 1999, the constitutional amendment passed by the Second Session of the National People’s Congress clearly stipulated the task of “building a socialist country ruled by law.” As the fundamental law of the country, the Constitution is the highest legal guarantee for governing the country according to law and for building a socialist country under the rule of law. The principle of administering the military according to law proposed by the Central Military Commission in the new era is an important part of the strategy of governing the country by law. The Constitution also plays an extremely important role and role in the process of administering the army by law. The Constitution determines the nature of the law-based military rule in the new period and the highest legal guarantee for running the army according to law. In the new period of governing the army by law, we must uphold the constitutional principle of democracy, the principle of the rule of law, the principle of safeguarding and safeguarding the rights, the principle of efficiency and the principle of supervision ; The Constitution has established the tasks, goals and direction of running the army by law in the new period
Diqing Yangla copper mine of Yunnan Copper (Group)is expected to put into production in October.The copper mine project was Diqing Yangla copper mine of Yunnan
在牛顿定律中,我们学习了物体的碰撞问题,同样,在电场中同样存在着带电粒子的碰撞问题.下面的问题将向你展现带电粒子在电场中的碰撞规律.  1 水平面上的碰撞问题  1.1 碰撞中的最值问题  例1 一个质量为M的绝缘小车,静止在光滑水平面上,在小车的光滑板面上放一质量为m、带电量为 q的带电小物块(可视为质点),小车质量与物块质量之比M∶m=7∶1,物块距小车右端挡板距离为l,小车车长为L,且L=1
我们收治一例巨大脑脓肿病例,早期头颅CT扫描酷似脑肿瘤,经多次复查及试验治疗观察,最后确诊为脑脓肿,现报告如下: 患者,女性,26岁。于1994年4月4日主因发作性抽搐伴呕吐,右