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随着电动汽车作为战略性新兴产业,充电设施作为作为电动汽车的能源补给是直接影响其发展的重要因素。方便快捷的充电设施不但会节约用户的成本,而且还会推动电动汽车的普及。本文论述了充电设施的现状,分析了其不足。提出无线电能传输技术作为一种新兴的电动汽车充电方式并应用到未来的充电站中,最后指出无线电能传输在电动汽车充电站的应用研究的巨大潜力和应用价值 With EVs as a strategic emerging industry, charging facilities as an energy supply for electric vehicles are an important factor that directly affects their development. Convenient charging facilities will not only save the cost of users, but also promote the popularity of electric vehicles. This article discusses the status quo of charging facilities and analyzes its shortcomings. Put forward wireless power transmission technology as a new charging method for electric vehicles and apply it to future charging stations. Finally, it points out the great potential and application value of wireless energy transmission in the application research of electric vehicle charging stations
中国水利学会(Chinese Hydraulic Engineering Society)成立于1931年4月,前身是中国水利工程学会,出版会刊《水利》,李仪祉任第一任会长;
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“开放存取期刊(Open Access Journals)”是 Internet 上免费的、可获取全文的、高质量的学术期刊的通称。本文对Internet 上开放存取期刊进行了概述,介绍了其被 ISI 引文数