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冯白驹将军(1903-1973)是中国共产党的优秀党员、杰出的无产阶级革命家、海南人民和中国人民的忠诚儿子,曾被周恩来同志誉为“琼崖人民的一面旗帜”。在革命战争年代,在中共中央和毛泽东主席的正确领导下,他率领琼崖人民坚持孤岛奋战,创建和发展琼崖革命根据地,经历了土地革命战争、抗日战争和解放战争的艰苦卓绝的斗争,创造了中国人民革命史上“二十三年红旗不倒”的光辉范例。在社会主义革命和建设时期,他继续发扬战争年代的优良作风,在不同的岗位上,为国家和人民的事业建立了卓越的功勋。面对坎坷,他忍辱负重,坚持真理,相信党和人民,不计个人得失,努力为人民服务,贡献了自己的一生。党和人民给予冯白驹很高的荣誉和评价。1955年,他被授予中华人民共和国一级八一勋章、一级独立自由勋章、一级解放勋章。1956年当选中共第八届中央候补委员。最近,由中共海南省委党史研究室编著的《冯白驹将军传》一书,真实地再现了冯白驹由一个农民的儿子成长为坚强的共产主义战士的光辉历程。全书思想性强,史料翔实,文笔酣畅。从本期起,本刊将摘要连载《冯白驹将军传》,希望藉此激励海南人民继承和发扬冯白驹将军的革命精神,促进经济特区的两个文明建设。 General Feng Baiju (1903-1973), a distinguished member of the Chinese Communist Party, a distinguished proletarian revolutionary, a loyal son of the people of Hainan and the Chinese people, was hailed by Comrade Zhou Enlai as a “flag of the people of Qiongya”. In the era of revolutionary war, under the correct leadership of the Central Committee of the CPC and Chairman Mao Zedong, he led QiongYa people in their arduous and fierce struggle to create and develop the Qiongya revolutionary base area, the hard-fought struggle of the Agrarian Revolutionary War, the Anti-Japanese War and the Liberation War, and created In the history of the Chinese people’s revolution, the glorious paradigm of “red flag does not fall in twenty-three years”. During the period of socialist revolution and construction, he continued to carry forward the fine style of war and established excellent exploits for the cause of our country and people in different positions. In the face of ups and downs, he humiliated the insult, took the truth, believed in the party and the people, regardless of personal gains and losses, and strive to serve the people and contributed their lives. The party and the people gave Feng Baiju a high honor and evaluation. In 1955, he was awarded a medal, a medal of independence and freedom of liberty, and a medal of liberation at the level of the People’s Republic of China. Elected in 1956, the Eighth Central Committee Alternate member. Recently, “Biography of General Feng Baiju”, edited by the Party History Research Office of Hainan Provincial Party Committee, truly reproduced Feng Shui-kui’s glorious journey from being a farmer’s son to becoming a strong communist fighter. The book is ideological, historical facts, writing hearty. Starting from this issue, the journal will include a serial biography of General Feng Baiju, hoping to inspire Hainan’s people to inherit and carry forward General Feng Baiju’s revolutionary spirit and promote the two civilizations in the special economic zone.
目的掌握2010—2012年北京市昌平区食品、公共场所从业人员健康检查结果动态变化。方法收集2010—2012年昌平区食品、公共场所从业人员健康检查资料,进行统计分析。结果 2010
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这个夏天最快乐的事莫过于世界杯。足球人人看,只是从中得到的快乐不同而已。但是正如一部电影资深影迷总能从同样每秒24帧的画面中看出更多的快乐与味道一样,看一场球,若是能知道一些幕后的故事,就能从帅哥、球星、进球之外多看出一份快乐或是感动。看看下面几部与世界杯有关的“大片”吧,哪怕你根本看不懂足球,它也能让你的世界杯多出更多的感悟和故事。  《铁拳男人》——不死的老兵克洛泽  1999年,一个有些羞涩