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被中国著名青铜器专家马承源誉为“夏候氏铸鼎以来最宏伟之作”的世纪宝鼎,高2.1米,象征21世纪:口径1.5米,重1.5吨。它姿呈三足鼎立,双耳高耸,满身纹饰。鼎内壁铸有金文:“铸赠世纪宝鼎,庆贺联合国五十华诞。”鼎禁(底座)高0.5米,2.1米见方,上铸56条夔龙纹饰,象征中华民族都是龙的传人。禁前后分别铸有“世纪宝鼎”和“中华人民共和国赠一九九五年十月”金文字样。鼎圆禁方,造型雄伟祥和,气势宏大,古朴典雅,美观庄重,充分体现了中华民族悠久历史和灿烂文化。 By the Chinese famous bronze expert Ma Chengyuan as “the most ambitious since the Xiashi casting tripod” Century Baoding, 2.1 meters high, symbolizing the 21st century: caliber 1.5 meters and weighs 1.5 tons. It posture was three pillars, towering ears, covered with decoration. Tripod built (base) 0.5 meters high, 2.1 meters square, on the cast 56 dragon ornaments, a symbol of the Chinese people are the Dragon’s successor . Before and after the ban were cast “Century Baoding” and “People’s Republic of China presented in October 1995” gold text. Dingyuan Banpai, magnificent and magnificent style, magnificent, simple and elegant, solemn and beautiful, fully embodies the long history of the Chinese nation and splendid culture.
说起剑兰,它还真是与我有着不解之缘。自小我家天井里就有几株剑兰,茂盛的兰花,挺拔有致的兰叶,让人看了煞是提神。每逢开花时节,伴着满庭的花香,孩子们在院子里玩耍,大人们坐着喝茶聊天,非常惬意。   后来一个偶然的机会,友人赠我一盆剑兰,我一下子来了种兰的兴致,又从福建买了几株品种较好的剑兰。在培植这些宝贝的过程中,我结交了不少“兰友”(种兰花的朋友),大家相互交流种植经验,取长补短。在我悉心呵护和管
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