
来源 :江苏农业科学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kupanda09
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西洋芹菜(Apium graveolers L)是欧美各国主要蔬菜种类,既可生食又可炒食,与我国芹菜相比,具有纤维少、嫩脆、味甜等优点,属于高档蔬菜,我国以往鲜有栽培。本试验在于探讨西洋芹菜在我省栽培的适宜品种及相应的栽培与采种技术,以满足对外开放和人们对增加蔬莱花色品种的需要。 一、材料与方法 自1984年起先后从美国、日本及欧洲引进20余份品种材料,进行分期播种,其播种期有12月下旬、1月下旬、5月中旬、6月上旬、7月上旬、7月中旬、8月中旬、9月上旬和9月中旬,共9个不同时期,12月及1月份播种于冷床及温室、6~8月份播种于荫棚。每期均在3~4片真叶时移苗假植一次,苗距13~17厘米见方,6~8片真叶定植。 Western celery (Apium graveolers L.) is a major vegetable species in Europe and the United States, both raw and fried, compared with our celery, with less fiber, tender crisp, sweet and other advantages, are high-grade vegetables, China rarely cultivated in the past. This experiment is to explore the appropriate varieties of celery cultivated in the province and the corresponding cultivation and seed collection techniques to meet the opening up and people to increase the needs of vegetable varieties. I. Materials and Methods Since 1984, more than 20 varieties of materials have been introduced from the United States, Japan and Europe for sowing in phases. The sowing dates are from late December, late January, mid May, early June, early July In mid-July, mid-August, early September and mid-September, a total of 9 different periods were sown in cold beds and greenhouses in December and January and sown in shade sheds in June-August. Each period of 3 to 4 true leaves when the time-shifting seedlings planted seedlings, seedlings from 13 to 17 cm square, 6 to 8 true leaves colonization.
随着互联网信息技术的发展,我国近年来提出“互联网 +”战略计划, 在“互联网 +”背景下,新型工作衍生发展,为中职电商学生带来更多的就业创业机遇。在这样的形势下,中职学校培养