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事件1:奥本山混战焦点人物:阿特斯特VS本·华莱士+底特律球迷禁赛场次:143场 或许2D04年11月19曰注定被载入史册,在若干年后仍为球迷遥想追忆,唏嘘不已。 当日活塞队在奥本山宫殿球馆迎战夙敌步行者。在比赛的第一节,阿特斯特便鬼魂附体般地砍下17分,率队大比分领先。半场结束时,客队已领先16分。过早的崩溃令活塞队狼狈不堪,整个奥本山宫殿渐渐被一种焦躁情绪所笼罩。下半场,活塞队苦苦追赶,但每每比分拉近,对手立即还以颜色。第四节最后时段,比赛进入作逍遥状。这种以退为进的挑衅姿态立时激发了主场球迷的参战热情。只见一杯啤酒天外飞仙,直取阿特斯特面门。屡受侮辱的阿特斯特终于按撩不住,一个鲤鱼打挺,直向看台冲去,按住一名球迷便狠命抡拳。队友亦揭竿而起,斯蒂芬·杰克逊首当其冲,始终护在阿特斯特身畔,在看台上与另外几名球迷大打出手。场面完全失控,双方又有几名球员投身混战,球场内折椅纷飞,个别球迷冲入球场……比赛被迫中止。步行者队之退场 Event 1: Auburn Hills melee Focus figures: Artest VS Ben Wallace + Detroit fans banned the scene: perhaps 143 may be 2D04 Nov. 19 was destined to be recorded in history, after a few years still reminds fans, Sigh Pistons team at the Auburn Hills Palace on the day against enemy walkers. In the first section of the game, Artest would ghost possessed scored 17 points, leading the team to score a big lead. At the end of halftime, the visiting team has been leading 16 points. Premature collapse of the Pistons find any place, the entire Auburn Hills Palace gradually being a kind of anxiety enveloped. The second half, the Pistons hard to catch up, but often close the score, opponents immediately with color. The last quarter of the fourth quarter, the game entered Happy like. This retreat into the provocative gesture immediately inspired the home fans enthusiasm for the war. I saw a glass of beer flying cents, straight take Artest noodles. Repeatedly insulted the Artest finally press and hold, a carp fight very much, straight to the stands rushed, hold down a fan will be fierce fist. Teammates have risen up, Stephen Jackson bear the brunt, always care in the side of Artest, in the stands with several other fans hit hands. Scene completely out of control, both sides have joined several players into melee, chairs inside the stadium flying, individual fans into the stadium ... the game was forced to suspend. Pacers exit
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