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《塔玛玛》(Tamama)讲述了20世纪初发生在黑海边上一个希腊家庭遭遇的真实故事,以塔玛玛的一生为主线,以她的童年和老年为重点,展现了作品的主题:战争给人民带来的巨大痛苦,歌颂人民在苦难中表现出的崇高的人与人之间的亲情和友谊。塔玛玛的童年是在1916—1922年巴尔干战争时期度过的,在全村希腊基督教徒的流放途中,亲人相继去世,她和两个姐姐乞讨为主,她被一善良的土耳其军人家庭收养,从此成了这家人的女儿,相处得十分融洽,过着富裕平静的生活。然而,塔玛玛垂垂老矣之时,心中埋藏五十年之久的童年生活和对两个远在希腊的姐姐的思念像瀑布般喷发,在土耳其亲人和许多希腊同胞的热心帮助下,终于找到了两个亲姐姐,有生之年圆了团圆梦。整篇故事在叙述塔玛玛一家遭受的催人泪下的苦难的同时,讴歌了希土两国人民的友谊。不同的宗教信仰,决不会影响人民之间的珍贵而纯朴的感情。《塔玛玛》于1991年由希腊古尔齐屋思出版社出版,曾被译成英语、土耳其语、俄语、德语和黑海地区方言等多种语言,希腊语的版本也多次再版。 Tamama recounts the true story of a Greek family encounter on the Black Sea at the beginning of the 20th century. With Tamar’s life as its focal point, focusing on her childhood and old age, she presents the theme of the work: The tremendous suffering the war has brought to the people and the praise of the sublime human relations and friendship between the people in their misery. Tamar’s childhood was spent during the Balkan War of 1916- 1922, in the entire village of Greek Christians on the way to exile, one after another died, she begged with two older sister, she was a good Turkish military family to adopt , Has become the daughter of this family, get along very harmonious, live a wealthy and quiet life. However, as Tamar was old-eyed, her 50-year-old childhood buried in her heart and the waterfall-like eruption of two miss-eldest sister in Greece, with the enthusiastic help of Turkish relatives and many Greek compatriots, Finally found two pro-sister, a lifetime of a reunion dream. While narrating the tearful suffering suffered by the Tamar family, the whole story sings the friendship of the peoples of Greece and Turkey. Different religious beliefs will never affect the precious and simple feelings among the people. Tamar was published in 1991 by the Goulds Estates in Greece and has been translated into several languages, including English, Turkish, Russian, German and the Black Sea, and the Greek version has been republished several times.
*小编辑亮相台*嗨,大家好,我是《金风报》的小主编何慧玲。我性格文静,爱好读书、画画和写作。希望通过《金风报》认识更多的朋友。 * Small Editor Debut * Hi, Hello ever
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