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沈学仁美术馆(画廊)是由国际著名画家沈学仁博士在家乡山东潍坊创办的一家专业美术馆(画廊),面积1200平方米,目的在于增加艺术品交流,弘扬民族文化,抵制赝品,维护收藏家利益。常年举办著名画家展览及藏品展卖.取得了良好的社会效益,同时在国内率先推出了真正的网上美术馆(画廊),以便于更好地服务于收藏家。开业以来,沈学仁美术馆经过7年努力,已成为中国规模大、服务优、品位高的专业美术馆(画廊)之一。美术馆(画廊)已经发展为全国第一家在国内进行行业连锁的民营企业,目前已设立了北京、青岛、淄博、苏州、哈尔滨、西安、唐山、济南等地分店。2002年6月被中国文联书画艺术中心评为五星级画廊,2004年被中国收藏家协会评为中国十大画廊,并于同年6月18日在中国北京政协礼堂颁奖。同年11月5日至9日参加由中国文化部主办的中国画廊推介展暨国际画廊邀请展,并被评为中国诚信画廊。总店设在山东雄坊。美术馆(画廊)专业代理于希宁、沈学仁、张江舟、梁占岩、刘庆和、武艺、毕建勋、郑力、朱红、熊红钢、沈光伟、王晓辉、王伟中、时振华、张正民、徐冬青等艺术家作品,逐步使美术馆(画廊)从传统意义上的画店经营模式转向与国际接轨的美术馆运营模式。积极致力于当代优秀艺术家的宣传和推广。 Shen Xueren Art Museum (Gallery) is a professional art gallery (gallery) founded by renowned international painter Dr. Shen Xueren in his hometown Weifang, Shandong Province. The gallery covers an area of ​​1,200 square meters with the purpose of increasing the exchange of artwork, promoting national culture, counterfeiting and safeguarding the interests of collectors . Perennial held a famous artist exhibition and collection exhibition sale. Achieved good social benefits, while taking the lead in the country launched a real online art galleries (galleries), in order to better serve the collectors. Since opening, Shen Xueren Art Museum has become one of the largest art galleries (galleries) in China with large scale, excellent service and high quality after seven years of hard work. Art galleries (galleries) have developed into the first non-state-run private enterprises in the country and have established branches in Beijing, Qingdao, Zibo, Suzhou, Harbin, Xi'an, Tangshan and Jinan. June 2002 by the China Federation of Literature calligraphy and painting art center as a five-star gallery 2004 China Association of collectors as China's top ten galleries, and in June 18 the same year in Beijing, China CPPCC Auditorium presentation. In the same year from November 5 to 9, participated in the China Gallery Promotion Exhibition cum International Gallery Invitation Exhibition hosted by the Chinese Ministry of Culture, and was named China Integrity Gallery. Head office located in Shandong Xiongfang. Museum of Art (Gallery) Acting in the works of artists such as Xining, Shen Xueren, Zhang Jiangzhou, Liang Zhanyan, Liu Qinghe, Wu Yi, Bi Jianxun, Zheng Li, Zhu Hong, Xiong Honggang, Shen Guangwei, Wang Xiaohui, Wang Wei Zhong, Shi Zhenhua, Zhang Zhengmin, Xu Dongqing , Gradually moving the art galleries (galleries) from the art management mode in the traditional sense to the art galleries operating modes in line with international standards. Actively committed to the promotion and promotion of contemporary outstanding artists.
目的:  研究慢性鼻-鼻窦炎(chronic rhinosinusitis,CRS)患者鼻腔细菌种类分布特点及药物敏感情况,并了解CRS患者鼻腔细菌种类及药敏情况有无变化、多重耐药菌情况及细菌与CRS的
“黄河水白黄云秋,行人河边相对愁。”  ——白居易《生别离》  黄河以东  再往东,是大海,是一望无际的深蓝  淹没她奔流不复还的倔强和豪情  犹如天地间一块巨大的屏,收留下  所有凡人看不懂的艰辛,还有那一路奔波的荆棘和曲折,统称为“像素”的事物  那么密集,那么清晰  黄河以西  一时间,猜不透再往西的事物  是高原,冻土,还是牧草,夕阳  是紫红色的僧袍,还是泄露天机的经筒  我倏然开悟,如
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用亿万倍显微镜把你寻找  空气把你蒸发了吗  尘粒越来越小  像幻雾弥漫 消逝我的视力  幽罗世畀也无法把你寻找  那么我把眸子再一次磨小  磨成微尘的水晶  即使幽远的黑洞  我也要用红豆般的亿万倍显微镜  搜索出你侧隐的尘影  因你搬动我的空间  那些词语太老  老得连上世纪的思维  也不愿来光顾  新的变奏令人无所适从  长不出枝蔓的语言  在孤寂地抽泣  定然 这样的空间怎能激起你最初的情
目的:1、研究胶原酶对大鼠脊神经背根神经节(Dorsal Root Ganglion,DRG)功能和形态(宏观和微观)的影响(包括急性、亚急性和慢性的影响),以期探讨胶原酶应用的安全性,进一步论
目的:通过对手术证实的腮腺肿块进行回顾性的CT影像学分析,观察CT平扫对腮腺良恶性肿块的判定的意义。  方法:选取手术证实的腮腺肿块病例99例进行CT影像学的回顾性分析,分别对
目的:通过全细胞膜片钳技术研究蛛网膜下腔出血(SAH)后基底动脉平滑肌细胞电压依赖性钙离子通道电流的变化情况。  方法:40只新西兰大白兔随机分为5组,每组8只。分别为蛛网膜下