The chlorination transformation characteristics of benzophenone-4 in the presence of iodide ions

来源 :环境科学学报(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dfyfl
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Benzophenone-type UV filters are a group of compounds widely used to protect human skin from damage of UV irradiation.Benzophenone-4 (BP-4) was targeted to explore its transformation behaviors during chlorination disinfection treatment in the presence of iodide ions.With the help of ultra performance liquid phase chromatograph and high-resolution quadrupole time-of-flight mass spectrometer,totally fifteen halogenated products were identified,and five out of them were iodinated products.The transformation mechanisms of BP-4 involved electrophilic substitution generating mono-or di-halogenated products,which would be oxidized into esters and further hydrolyzed into phenolic derivatives.The desulfonation and decarboxylation were observed in chlorination system either.Obeying the transformation pathways,five iodinated products formed.The pH conditions of chlorination system determined the reaction types of transformation and corresponding species of products.The more important was that,the acute toxicity had significant increase after chlorination treatment on BP-4,especially in the presence of iodide ions.When the chlorination treatment was performed on ambient water spiked with BP-4 and iodide ions,iodinated by-products could be detected.
“童心向党”“新时代”“祖国万岁”“中国梦”……一个个墨香四溢、刚劲有力的大字,跟鲜红的中国共产党党徽与“十九大”三个大字造型一起,在南宁市华西路小学的校园里组成了一道亮丽的风景线。这是华西路小学日前举办的“喜迎十九大,墨香沁素养”主题书写活动。  “美哉我少年中国,与天不老;壮哉我中国少年,与国无疆!”活动在《少年中国说》的朗诵声中拉开帷幕。高年级同学身穿汉服,挥毫泼墨;低年级同学则用彩色的小手
一、区域位置及特征rn1)区域位置rn长房·白沙湾项目位于长沙市芙蓉区城东核心板块,距东西向主干道人民东路及远大路各约1 km,距离市中心约5km,距黄花机场约18km,东临长善路(
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橡皮树 (Ficuselastica) ,又名印度橡皮树 ,叶大厚实 ,光泽闪亮 ,四季常青 ,在客厅或居室陈设一盆 ,给人以素雅朴实 ,深厚清新的美感。此外 ,还有花叶、金边、白斑、紫脉等变种。橡皮树喜