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不久前,吕思清携带4把世界著名小提琴来北京演出。这4把琴出自中世纪意大利名师斯特拉迪瓦里、瓜奈里、阿玛蒂等人之手,每把身价百万美元以上,最贵的高达500万美元! 近日,美国《芝加哥论坛先驱报》报道了一个持续4年的国际官司,对名贵小提琴市场产生了巨大影响,从而揭开了一段鲜为人知的黑幕。在高额的幕后交易中,不法商人和掮客翻手为云、覆手为雨、大肆鲸吞,包括大多数价值评估公司在内的所有交易环节,都卷入了这场黑色交易之中…… Not long ago, Lu Siqing brought four world famous violins to perform in Beijing. These four piano from the medieval Italian teacher Stradivarius, Guarneri, Amati and others, each worth more than one million US dollars, the most expensive up to 5 million US dollars! Recently, the United States, “Chicago Tribune Herald ”Reported a four-year-old international lawsuit that had a huge impact on the venerable violin market, opening a little-known shady. In the high behind-the-scenes trading, unscrupulous merchants and boons turned their heads to the clouds, overwhelmed by the rain, wantonly swallowed, all the links, including most of the value assessment companies, are involved in the black deal ......
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断}:犷了了乌丝塑…}‘万升丛塑}云一卜。{三通}卿},一}。蓄}‘一}、 1.。}3豪丁旗。1垂犷~下11 12一1。。{玉玉汕3︸人有卜必竺业回回向我们问起,{翼器}i一}、在哪在哪福想幸
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3 5 5 5 65一1.2.姨刃今天是教师气2 2 2 21我敬爱的老25 师}蜒。迎五我该向你献上些什/Z一~今2 3.3么?︵洋6 1 2 35.陈比这这 产一、5 1 1 1 21束首被给你一献给你一7 776756
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lJ=合.:吓· l矿I了~一一不、、,夕11厂一一万、些{7亘旦遏{6一}旦丛迈丝)1旦互塑!3一}3.Q训川.迎丝{员,尽}缪,}毕。曰阳! 尹一、3 .3。5 67l迎塑{厂昼},奋飞鱼{迹。I{,-9}2
中速稍快川川66。.21 317no︸(1旦-肠1夔药}擎率摩5一中中6 6 53}2总是说你总是说你平凡,普通,5 6 16在我们』心在我们心}旦迪3.你很伟大,你矛剐韦大,民民户了,户2,乐你你5 653
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