
来源 :民事程序法研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:qween
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司法程序中少数民族语言权保障既是实现充分的法庭交流和对话的必要条件,又可能直接影响到案件实体裁判的公正性。当前,我国司法程序中少数民族语言文字权保障程度并不如人意,存在“双语司法人员”短缺、少数民族语言法务翻译制度不健全、法庭语言选择不规范及“文化上的语言不通”等问题。对此,需要从“双语司法人员”培养、法务翻译制度完善、法庭语言规范使用及促进文化交流等不同层面来促进司法程序中少数民族语言权保障的实现。 The guarantee of minority language rights in judicial proceedings is not only the necessary condition for achieving full court exchange and dialogue, but also may directly affect the impartiality of the substantive decisions of cases. At present, the degree of protection for the minority language literacy in judicial proceedings in our country is not satisfactory, there is a shortage of “bilingual judicial personnel”, the legal translation system of ethnic minority languages ​​is not perfect, the court language selection is not standardized, and “the cultural language barrier” "And other issues. In this regard, we need to promote the realization of the guarantee of minority language rights in judicial proceedings at different levels, such as the training of bilingual judicial personnel, the improvement of legal translation system, the normal use of court language and the promotion of cultural exchanges.
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对癫痫病人采用乳剂增强检查颞叶中部硬化是否有用? 答 颞叶中部硬化(MTS)也称海马硬化,它是在外科文献中难治性癫痫最常见的原因。典型的特点包括婴儿期热惊厥史、颞叶癫痫
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