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今天,视频通讯技术历经十数年发展,已经相对成熟,应用也更加广泛,已经成为各行各业信息化建设的必要项目。在中国,经历了SARS以后,视频通讯的应用需求更加突显,尤其在政府部门中的作用更加重要。视频通讯作为各省市政府部门应急通讯的重要组件可以说承担着非常重要的作用,因此视频通讯的建设也得到了空前的关注。随着各级政府信息化建设步伐的加快,特别是一些重大事件的召开,如北京2008奥运会、上海世博会等,各地政府部门势必要建设一套具备强大能力的视频通讯综合服务系统,以保证可以在重大突发性事件发生时整个政务信息化系统能够协同工作,起到各自的重要作用。 Today, the development of video communication technology has been relatively mature for more than a few years and has been applied more extensively. It has become a necessary project for information construction in all walks of life. In China, after experiencing SARS, the application requirements of video communication have become more prominent, especially in the government departments. Video communication, as an important component of emergency communications in provincial and municipal government departments, can play a very important role. Therefore, the construction of video communication has also received unprecedented attention. With the accelerating pace of information construction at all levels of government, especially the convening of some major events, such as Beijing 2008 Olympic Games, Shanghai World Expo, etc., local government departments are bound to build a set of powerful video communications integrated service system to ensure that In the event of a major unexpected incident, the entire government information system can work together to play its own important role.
季羡林先生曾说过,建国以来的知识分子中他最佩服的有两位:一位是马寅初,一位是梁漱溟。  “在我看来。这两个人可算作不老的老人。所谓‘不老的老人’,首先是指他俩的理想、情操、气节和不老的精神;其次是他俩都出奇的长寿。梁漱溟活到96岁,马寅初活到101岁,而他们的长寿又得益于他们的胸怀和不老的精神。”  梁漱溟少时体弱多病,壮年又历经坎坷,他的长寿,完全得益于平和淡泊的心态和少吃多动的健身之道。“文革
Background: Congenital hearing loss is remarkably heterogeneous, with over 130 deafness genes and thousands of variants, making for innumerable genotype/phenoty