
来源 :晋阳学刊 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:blackhorse1983
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自1980年创刊,《晋阳学刊》已经到了而立之年。创刊30年来,承蒙学界同仁支持与厚爱,经几代编辑的努力,《晋阳学刊》为当代中国的学术发展贡献了绵薄之力,也赢得了学界的普遍赞誉。30年来,《晋阳学刊》始终秉持严谨、踏实、独立、创新的办刊原则,孜孜以求的是使这块园地成为学者们追求知识、辨明是非、探寻真理的精神家园。30年,180期,所刊发的逾4千篇不同学科的论文,留存了当代中国学人的思考与探索,记载了变革时代的转折印迹,也见证了当代中国社会的发展道路。 Since its inception in 1980, “Jinyang Journal” has been around for a while. Since its publication for 30 years, thanks to the support and love of its academic colleagues, the Jinyang Academic Journal has contributed modestly to the academic development of contemporary China and won universal acclaim from academic circles after several generations of editorial efforts. In the past 30 years, Jinyang Academic has always adhered to the principle of strict, pragmatic, independent and innovative journalism. What we are striving for is to make it a spiritual homeland for scholars to pursue knowledge, distinguish right from wrong, and seek truth. 30 and 180 issues of more than 4,000 dissertations published in various disciplines have preserved the thinking and exploration of contemporary Chinese scholars and recorded the turning point in the era of change and also witnessed the development of contemporary Chinese society.
类拟盘多毛孢属真菌(Pestalotiopsis-like fungi)是油茶上重要的病原菌,能够引起病害并造成损失。从安徽省旌德县庙首林场油茶病叶中分离到6株类拟盘多毛孢属真菌,采用形态学
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人文学科一词来源于公元前55年,西塞罗在其《论雄辩家》一书中首先把humanties(人之品质)列为辩论者的一项基本训练项目。后来经过希腊罗马修辞学 The term humanities deri
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