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查办违纪违法案件是党风廉政建设和反腐败斗争的重要任务,是纪检监察机关最基础的工作、最基本的职责、最有效的监督。今年以来,在阳泉市委、市政府和上级纪检监察机关的坚强领导下,阳泉市纪检监察机关严肃查处了一批煤焦领域、司法机关、工程建设、清理“小金库”以及农村集体资金资产资源管理等重点领域和关键环节的违纪违法案件。这些案件的查处解决了一批人民群众反映强烈的热点、难点问题,维护了人民群众的切身利益,有力地震慑了腐败分子,提高了党员干部廉洁从政的自觉性,增强了党的凝聚力、战斗力和人民群众对反腐败斗争的信心,取得了良好的政治、社会和法纪效果,为全市转型发展、跨越发展提供了坚强的政治和纪律保障。 Investigating and dealing with cases of law and discipline violations is an important task in the party’s work style of building an honest and clean government and fighting corruption. It is the most basic task of discipline inspection and supervision organs, the most basic responsibility, and the most effective supervision. Since the beginning of this year, under the strong leadership of the Yangquan Municipal Party Committee, the municipal government and the discipline inspection and supervision department at the higher level, the discipline inspection and supervision department of Yangquan City has severely punished a number of coal enterprises, judicial organs, construction projects, liquidation of “small treasuries” and rural collective funds Asset management and other key areas of assets and key links of discipline violations. The investigation and handling of these cases solved a batch of hot and difficult issues that the masses of the people reflected intensely, safeguarded the immediate interests of the people, deterred corrupt elements, raised the consciousness of honest handling of party members and cadres, and strengthened the party’s cohesiveness and combat effectiveness And people’s confidence in the fight against corruption, have achieved good political, social and legal results and provided strong political and discipline guarantees for the transformation and development of the entire city and its leapfrog development.
冰川湖群,在冰川广泛发育区并不特别引入关注。分布于特定的环境条件下的冰川湖群,一旦被发现和认识,就有可能成为研究的热点,从而引起意想不到的轰动! 位于内蒙古卓资县之
<正>随着科技进步和慢性病管理水平的提高,慢性阻塞性肺疾病(chronic obstructive pulmonary disease,COPD)治疗效果与COPD患者生存质量都得到明显提高。当前COPD患者生存期
在J-D型耐蒸煮铝塑复合黏合剂的反应釜中,搅拌器的轴向密封一直是比较困难的问题。本文所介绍的内压密封成功解决了轴向密封问题。 In the J-D-type retort aluminum-plasti
落户长沙的比亚迪电动卡车及专用车项目目前已经动工建设,计划年内投产。2016年达产能2500辆,规划至2020年达5000辆年产能,2025年扩建到10000辆年产能。长沙将成比亚迪电动卡车及专用车全球制造中心。  比亚迪董事长王传福表示,通过几年布局,比亚迪的公交电动车已进入丰收期。下一阶段,比亚迪将实施新能源车全市场战略,在城市公交、物流、环卫车、私家车等全方位布局,而长沙是其全市场战略布局的
美国影片《泰坦尼克号》上演后反响巨大。它向人们再现了80多年前震惊世界的冰海 American film “Titanic” staged a huge response. It recreates the icy sea that sho