Photoconductivity of novel poly(N-vinyl)-3-[p-nitrophenylazo]carbazole/CdS-nanoparticle polymer comp

来源 :Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:guoxxjie
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The photoconductive characteristic of the inorganic/organic hybridized polymer system is reported, in which a novel bi-functional photorefractive (PR) poly(N-vinyl)-3-[p-nitrophenylazo]carbazole (PVNPAK) serves as a polymeric charge-transporting and second-order nonliner optical matrix and quantum dots composed of surface passivated cadmium sulfide serve as a charge-generation sensitizer. The hybrid PVNPAK/CdS-nanoparticles polymer composites with different mass ratio of CdS to PVNPAK were prepared. The generation of photocurrent on illumination and photoconductive properties of the PVNPAK/CdS-nanoparticles polymer composites were studied. The results show that the addition of CdS nanoparticle as a photosensitizer can enhance the photoconductivity of the PVNPAK significantly because of the properties of the high quantum efficiency of photosensitization and high charge transport to conducting polymer. The photoconductive characteristic of the inorganic / organic hybridized polymer system is reported, in which a novel bi-functional photorefractive (PR) poly (N-vinyl) -3- [p- nitrophenylazo] carbazole (PVNPAK) serves as a polymeric charge-transporting and second-order nonliner optical matrix and quantum dots composed of surface passivated cadmium sulfide serve as a charge-generation sensitizer. The generation of photocurrent on illumination and photoconductive properties of the PVNPAK / CdS-nanoparticles polymer composites were studied. The results show that the addition of CdS nanoparticle as a photosensitizer can enhance the photoconductivity of the PVNPAK significantly because of the properties of the high quantum efficiency of photosensitization and high charge transport to conducting polymer.
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