小学教师的整体素质是提高还是下降?这一问题人们一直议论不休, 情况究竟如何?带着这一问题,笔者分别对城镇、坝区、山区的3个乡(镇、办事处)的小学教师分1985、1995、2005 年三个时段进行了教师基本情况、教学质量与社区满意度测评、学校领导对新教师的评价的调查。“教师基本情况”调查结果表明, 随着教师数量的增加,教师的学历逐渐提高,而且提高的幅度较大。原因: 一是在上世纪80年代,民办教师作为
The overall quality of primary school teachers is to increase or decrease? People have been talking about this issue endlessly, the situation exactly? With this problem, the author of the town, dam area, mountain three townships (towns and offices) primary school teachers Divided into three periods 1985, 1995 and 2005, the basic situation of teachers, the evaluation of teaching quality and community satisfaction, and the evaluation of the new teachers by school leaders were investigated. The survey results of Teachers’ Basic Conditions show that as the number of teachers increases, the educational qualifications of teachers gradually increase and are greatly increased. The reasons: First, in the 1980s, private teachers as