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消费者神情矜持而倨傲,沉默良久抛出一句专业论断,把导购堵得哑口无言的场景不难见到。在消费者行为学中,为了转变消费者态度,增加品牌认知度和忠诚度,营销者有教育消费者的需要。然而,教育消费者这一概念的产生有一个假设前提,那就是消费者的产品知识和消费技能均不如营销者,处于被教育的地位。同时,也意味着营销者自身需要不断学习,充分掌握产品知识和使用方法,积累自身的消费经验,只有这样才能有效地教育消费者,让消费者产生对产品和品牌的积极态度,做出购买决策。否则,就会出现不是营销者教育消费者,而是被消费者教育的尴尬局面,在这种情况下要达成销售目标可就难了。如今在KA或社区小店,只顾推销的销售人员导购围着消费者喋喋不休,而消费者神情矜持而倨傲,手拿商品不置一词,良久,抛出一句专业论断,把导购噎得哑口无言的场景也不难见到。 Consumers feel reserved and proud, silent for a long time throw a professional conclusion, the shopping guide blocked speechless scene is not difficult to see. In consumer behavior, in order to change consumer attitudes and increase brand awareness and loyalty, marketers have the educational consumer needs. However, there is a hypothetical premise for the concept of educating consumers that consumers are not educated in terms of product knowledge and consumption skills as marketers. At the same time, it also means that marketers themselves need to constantly learn, fully grasp the product knowledge and methods of use, and accumulate their own consumer experience, the only way to effectively educate consumers, so that consumers have a positive attitude to the products and brands to make a purchase decision making. Otherwise, there will be not marketers educate consumers, but consumer education embarrassing situation, in this case to achieve the sales target can be difficult. Now in the KA or community shops, sales promotion only focus on consumer marketing around the consumer, and consumers look reserved and arrogant, not holding the word hand in hand, for a long time, throwing a professional conclusion, the shopping guide too dumb The scene is not difficult to see words.
人们在阅读文学作品时,常常会被作家生花之笔所攫住,沉浸在色彩斑烂、画面斐然的境界之中,享受着难以忘怀的艺术美。文学的色彩美,就是具有艺术美的作用。 读一读孙犁的《荷
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