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本文是菲尔寄给《连环》杂志编辑的一封短信,但却提出一个相当重要的问题——魔术演员是站在观众的对立面呢?还是观众当中的一员呢?编辑龙·曼德瑞克在回信中说:是值得所有的魔术师认真考虑的。演员老想蒙观众,观众尽量揭穿演员,形成了对抗场面。回信说:随机应变、胆子大、技术高,以处理好对抗场面,从而令观众愉快地享受,才是好办法;但能作到这样的演员,实在不多。回信认为:成功的魔术演员,大都具有在观众中交上朋友的能力,冲淡“蒙人”的一面,强调观众在惊奇中感到乐趣,从神秘的奇妙中感到兴奋,才是演出的目的。回信提到:演员还可能遇到这种局面:有的观众看完一个魔术节目,就非要剖析一下不可,结果马上就没有什么乐趣可言而大杀风景;遇到这种情况,就要靠演员随机应变,因势利导,打个园场,否则就会出现尴尬对立局面。龙·曼德瑞克的回信巧妙地回答了这个问题,现将此信录后,为魔术师摆脱类似困境提供一条思路。 This article is a short message sent by Phil to editor of Comic, but raises a quite important question - is the magic actor standing on the opposite side of the audience? Or is it one of the audience? Editor Long Man Deli In his reply, G said it deserves all the magician serious consideration. The old actors want to be the audience, the audience try to expose the actors, forming a confrontational scene. The reply says: It is a good idea to be responsive, courageous and skilled in order to deal with the scenes of confrontation so that the audience can enjoy it happily. However, there are only so few actors who can make such an actress. The reply says: Most successful magic actors have the ability to hand in friends with the audience and dilute the “mong-man” side, stressing that the audience is having fun in surprise and is excited by mysterious wonders for the purpose of the performance . The reply mentioned: The actor may also encounter such a situation: some spectators after reading a magic show, we must analyze what can not, as a result, there is no fun at all to kill the scenery; in this case, we must rely on Adaptation of the actors, make the best use, hit a park, otherwise there will be an awkward opposition. The reply by Long Mandereck cleverly answers this question. Now, after this letter is recorded, it provides an idea for the magician to get rid of similar dilemmas.
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