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我们伟大的国家有着五千年的文化历史,各地人文荟萃,民俗文化更是民间多年积淀和创造的生活文化和世代传承的文化传统。但如今很多学生对地方民俗文化缺少热情,甚至知之甚少。有责任的语文教师应对此种情况引起足够的重视,抓住语文教学的有利条件和契机,高举弘扬地方民俗的大旗,将盐城的地方民俗文化引入课堂,给我们的学生带来原本就属于他们的乡土文化。一、重视教材中的契机,将地方民俗文化在课堂中渗透语文新课程标准明确规定:“能较熟练地运用略读和浏览的方法,扩大阅读范围,拓展自己的视野。”语文课堂中, Our great country has 5,000 years of cultural history. The cultural and cultural traditions of all walks of life come from different parts of the country. Folk culture is the cultural heritage of life and generations inherited and created by the folk for many years. But nowadays many students lack enthusiasm for local folk culture or even know little about it. Responsible Chinese teachers should pay enough attention to this situation, seize the favorable conditions and opportunities for Chinese teaching, hold high the banner of promoting local folk, put Yancheng local folk culture into the classroom, to bring our students originally belonged Their native culture. First, attach importance to teaching materials in the opportunity, the local folk culture in the classroom infiltration of Chinese new curriculum standards clearly stipulates: “Skilled use of skimming and browsing methods to expand the scope of reading and expand their horizons.” "Chinese class in,
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林某,女,69岁,住院号144065。主诉:反复咳嗽、咳痰30余年,气促10余年,加重10天。无吸烟史。入院时症见:咳嗽痰多、痰黄白,喘促,膨膨胀满,脘痞纳少,倦怠乏 Lin, female, 69 y
素有中国外贸的“风向标”、“晴雨表”之称的广交会,是个见微知著的汇聚地。每届总有新的事情,每届总有新的话题,每届总有新的看点,它总能让人看到许多。本届也不例外。 Kn