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1、清华紫光上市即冲56元高位,可谓登峰造极 清华紫光股份有限公司(0938)于上周四在深圳证券交易所挂牌上市,首日开盘即开足指导价,报26.75元,随即便上冲至56元高位,收于51.92元,成交金额高达14.80亿元,换手率达73.74%,升幅大于去年上市的绩优股“五粮液(0858)”,显示市场对于高科技类股票仍处于狂热的状态。 众所周知,自今年5月18日以来,股票市场的高科技板块在“网络概念”兴起的推动下走出狂飙式上升行情,并带动大盘创出六年来新高,在很大程度上重新确立了高科技板块在证券市场的地位。在大盘创出新高后的一段时间里,新上市的高科技股均表现出强劲态势,如“海星科技(600185)”、“安彩高科(600207)”、“隆源实业(0835)”和“南天信息(0948)”等,而“清华紫光(0938)”在上市后的突出表现可谓到了登峰造极的地步,而且这是在近期大盘表现十分疲软的情况下出现的,确实令人感到有些意外。由此也说明虽然随着高科技板块的回落整理,大盘出现不断下挫的走势,但高科技公司的成长性已为投资者广泛认同,因而该板块在今后较长的时间内仍将是市场关注的焦点。 1, Tsinghua Unisplendour IPO hit 56 high, indeed culminating Qinghua Ziguang Co., Ltd. (0938) listed on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange last Thursday, the first day of the opening that is enough to guide the price, reported 26.75 yuan, then on the red To 56 yuan high, to close at 51.92 yuan, the turnover of up to 1.48 billion yuan, turnover of 73.74%, an increase of more than last year’s listing of blue chip stocks, “Wuliangye (0858)” shows that the market for hi-tech stocks are still in a state of fever. As we all know, since 18 May this year, the hi-tech segment of the stock market has been able to rise above the spectacular rising market driven by the rise of “network concept” and led the broader market to hit a six-year high and largely re-established the high-tech Plate in the securities market position. High-tech stocks newly listed showed strong growth for some time after the broad market hit a new high, such as “Starfish Technology (600185)”, “Anchu Tech (600207)”, “Longyuan Industry (0835) ”Nantian Information (0948)“ and so on. However, the outstanding performance of ”Tsinghua Unisplendour (0938)" after its listing has reached a peak. It is really surprising when the recent broader market performance is very weak. . This also shows that although with the retreat of high-tech sector, the broader market continued downward trend, but the growth of high-tech companies have been widely recognized by investors, so the plate in the longer term future will remain the market focus Focus.
目的 观察泄浊解毒方结肠透析治疗对慢性肾脏病(chronic kidney disease,CKD)4期患者的短期疗效.方法 纳入2017年1月-2018年1月CKD 4期住院患者,应用泄浊解毒方结肠透析治疗
目的 建立胶束电动毛细管色谱二极管阵列检测法(MEKC-DAD)同时测定不同厂家的麻杏止咳糖浆中苯甲酸、山梨酸、对羟基苯甲酸甲酯、对羟基苯甲酸乙酯、对羟基苯甲酸丙酯、对羟
目的 探讨中期因子反义寡核苷酸纳米脂质体(Nano-MK-ASODN)对人肝癌裸鼠原位移植模型的抑制作用.方法 利用人肝癌裸鼠原位移植模型,建模后待肿瘤长到一定体积时进行分组,分为
目的 探讨灯盏乙素对卵巢癌卡铂化疗的辅助治疗作用并研究其机制.方法 CCK-8试验检测卵巢癌细胞系A2780在灯盏乙素和不同浓度卡铂处理下的细胞活力.Western blotting试验检测