庞三 庞三

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庞三真正的名字叫庞禹生,今年七十多岁,排行老三。不论是在本族还是对旁门外姓,辈分最低。一出大门就是爷爷奶奶,老的少的都喊他庞三。庞禹生这个名字反而被人们忘却了。庞三中年丧妻,老年又丧一子,现有一儿一女。儿子结婚后带着媳妇在城里捡破烂,十天半月回家一次;女儿和一个在乡政府里提水倒茶姓马的小临时工恋爱,庞三坚决不同意,扬言女儿再和姓马的来往就和女儿断绝父女关系。女儿却非马不嫁,最后改姓妈妈的姓,姓孔,跟小马跑了。结果,偌大的院子,只剩庞三一人,整日与没有生命的家具、书籍作伴。面对空荡荡的院子,空荡荡的房子,庞三沧桑愁苦的脸上经常显露出一生所有的遗憾与期望。守着门前的老槐树,手拄着拐杖,站在大门口看行人,一站就是一头午。隔壁的刘四在乡政府税务所当所长,比庞三小二十多岁。但是论辈分庞三还得叫叔。刘四同情庞三,经常在外喝酒回来时带些打包的剩菜给庞三,庞三很是感激。一天,刘四喷着满嘴的酒气,在墙头上喊:“庞三!庞三!快过来!你看我 Pang three real name Pang Yusheng, seventy years old this year, ranked third. No matter in their own families or outsiders, the lowest age. A door is grandparents, old and young call him Pang three. Pang Yusheng the name has been forgotten by others. Pang three middle-aged widowed, elderly and a funeral, the existing one child. Son married with his wife in the city after picking up junk, ten days and a half to go home once; daughter and a village government in the water poured tea, a small temporary worker love, Pang San resolutely disagree, threatening her daughter and then surnamed Ma And her daughter cut off from father and daughter relationship. His daughter is not a horse not to marry, finally surname surnamed mother, surnamed hole, ran with the colt. As a result, huge courtyard, only Pangsanyisi, day and lifeless furniture, books companion. The face of the empty yard, empty houses, Pangsan vicissitudes of life often show all the regret and expectations of life. Guarding the door in front of the old tree, hand crutches, standing at the gate to see pedestrians, one stop is an afternoon. Next door, Liu Si is the director of the tax office of the township government, more than 20 in his thirties. However, on the generation Pangsan have to call uncle. Liu four sympathetic Pang San, often drinking back with some packaged leftovers to Pang San, Pang San very grateful. One day, Liu Si sprayed with a mouthful of alcohol, shouting on the wall: ”Pang San! Pang San! Come here! Look at me
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