
来源 :西南民兵 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:shengjie139
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1982年前,八一南昌起义的枪声,宣告了一支新型军队的诞生,开创了中国共产党独立领导武装斗争的新纪元。从此,一支雄师劲旅沐浴炮火硝烟,不断从胜利走向胜利,一面火红的军旗在神州大地高高飘扬。八一军旗是党和人民的武装旗帜,是人民军队的象征,是军队高于生命的荣誉,承载着无数革命先辈的崇高信仰和无限荣光。仰望这面美丽如画的军旗,一代代子弟兵以党的理想为理想,以党的意志为意志,以党的方向为方向,披肝沥胆,前仆后继,舍生忘死,浴血奋战,历经千辛万苦,战胜千难万险,夺得了五次反“围剿”、二万五千里长征、八年抗战和解放战争的伟大胜利,推翻了三座大山,赢得了民族独立和人民解放。 Before 1982, the gunfire of the August 1 Nanchang Uprising proclaimed the birth of a new army and opened a new era in which the Chinese Communist Party independently led the armed struggle. Since then, a brave brigade battling mortar smoke, and constantly from victory to victory, while the red flag flying high in the vast land of China. The banner of the August 1st Army is the armed banner of the party and the people, the symbol of the people’s army, the honor of being superior to life of the army, and carries with it the lofty faith and limitless glory of innumerable revolutionary forerunners. Looked at this picturesque army flag, a generation of younger brother soldiers to the ideals of the party as the ideal, with the will of the party as the will to the direction of the party, Phlegmatic, fought, sacrificed his life, bloody battles, after untold hardships And won five great victories in the “encirclement and suppression” campaign against “encirclement and suppression”, the 25,000-mile long march, the eight-year war of resistance and the war of liberation. It overthrew three big mountains and won national independence and people’s liberation.
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