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在NBA,球员的罚球动作千奇百怪,像NBA历史上单场得50分的最年轻球员里克·巴里,他的罚球动作被称作“端尿盆”;杰夫·霍纳塞克当年每次罚球之前,必须用右手摸脸三次,以此向自己的三个孩子挥手致意。纳什罚球时总要先摸两下鞋底,再用舌头把手舔干净;基德罚球前要对着篮筐方向飞吻;安东尼·梅森罚球时就像放高射炮一样,总要停一停再出手,尼克·范·埃克塞尔必须要站在距离罚球线近1米的地方罚球,他说这样比较准……其实他们大多只想在罚球线上表现出与众不同。要想真正提高罚球命中率,没有必要做那些无用的动作。在联盟中,有很多球员的罚球动作相当标准,称得上罚球线上的教科书,比如代 In the NBA, players make free throws as strange as the youngest player in NBA history to score 50, Rick Barry, whose free-throw line is called “urinal” and Jeff Hornacek Before throwing the ball, he must touch his face with his right hand three times to wave his three children. Nash always touch the bottom of the first touch when the sole, and then lick the tongue clean; Kidd before the ball toward the basket in the direction of kissing; Anthony Mason free throws just like the same shot, always stop and then shot, Nick Van Exel must take the free-throw line just 1 meter from the free throw line, which he says is more accurate ... Most of the time, most of them just want to show something different on the free-throw line. To really improve the free throw shooting, there is no need to do those useless moves. In the league, there are many players in the free throw line quite standard, called the free-throw line textbooks, such as on behalf of
The World Economic Forum(WEF) is a Swiss non-profit foundation,based in Cologny,Geneva(日内瓦,瑞士第二大城市).It describes itself as an independent internationa
Women who have ever been around smokers regularly may have more difficulty getting pregnant than those who have not,a new study suggests.The findings,researcher
“BMW杯”国际高尔夫巡回赛是迄今为止全球最大规模的业余高尔夫选手系列赛事。自1998年进入中国,该赛事在中国已连续举办9年。2006年中国区共有37场资格赛,是历年规模最大的一次。    第九届“BMW杯”国际高尔夫巡回赛中国区分站赛第一站—粤宝站,于3月9日在广州九龙湖高尔夫球会拉开帷幕。广东粤宝汽车销售服务有限公司是第二次作为此次比赛的执行方组织协调,受到社会各界广泛关注,得到肖邦、汇丰银行
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