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近年来,各地向日葵种植面积不断扩大,产量不断提高,经济效益也很可观。由于向日葵生长快,发育早,因此加强向日葵的田间管理,抓好向日葵五项增产措施,是实现高产、优质、高效益的重要保证。一、适时间苗、定苗多年的生产实践证明,适时间苗和定苗可提高向日葵产量。向日葵一对真叶展开时,苗小,根系入土浅,是向日葵间苗定苗的最佳时期。据试验证明,一对真叶间苗,亩产达159.7公斤;二对真叶间苗,亩产 In recent years, the planting area of ​​sunflowers has been expanding around the country, the output has been continuously increased, and the economic benefits are also considerable. Because sunflower grows fast and grows early, it is an important guarantee to realize high yield, good quality and high efficiency to strengthen field management of sunflower and do a good job of increasing production of five sunflowers. A timely manner Miao, Dingmiao years of production practice has proved that timely Miao and Dingmiao can increase sunflower production. When a pair of true leaves of sunflower unfolds, the seedlings are small and the roots are shallowly earthed, which is the best period for the sunflower seedlings to be fixed. According to the test proved that a pair of real leaf seedlings, yield 159.7 kg per mu; two pairs of real leaf seedlings, mu
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有心栽花花不成,  无心插柳柳成荫,  最伟大的创业公司不一定是最伟大的投资公司投过的。  ——孙陶然  孙陶然20年6次创办或联合创办企业,横跨媒体、广告、公关、消费电子、农业及金融服务业,目前经营拉卡拉,偶尔也做天使投资。他每一次创业都独辟蹊径。关于创业秘诀,他有自己的36条军规。在天使投资领域,他自言小有成就,因为自己投资的企业好多比自己经营的企业都要好,有些甚至已经完成上市。  日前举行的