Synthesis of Ni/Al System Intermetallic Compound Under the Influence of Pulsating Electric Current

来源 :Journal of Wuhan University of Technology-Materials Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:rrsmy
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Synthesis of Ni/Al system intermetallic compound under the influence of pulsating electric current is researched.Reactions of Ni/Al system intermetallic compound are analyzed.It is found that solid-state reactions occur at Ni/Al interface and the main way of reactions is atoms diffusing each other under the influence of a high-density pulsating electric current. Synthesis of Ni / Al system intermetallic compound under the influence of pulsating electric current is researched. Reactions of Ni / Al system intermetallic compound are analyzed. It is found that solid-state reactions occur at Ni / Al interface and the main way of reactions is atoms diffusing each other under the influence of a high-density pulsating electric current.
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