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1997年3月以来,河北省衡水市公安局在全市11个县市区实施刑嫌调控系统工程,取得了较好效果。实施此项工程,不仅有力地促进和深化了严打斗争,成为深挖犯罪的有效手段,而且加强了刑侦基础业务建设,增强了刑侦工作的后劲,向刑侦工作的现代化迈出了重要的一步。一、实施刑嫌调控系统工程的必要性1997年年初,衡水市公安局就如何深化严打斗争,加强刑侦工作业务建设,建立有效的打击机制问题,组织力量先后对1996年严打斗争中抓获的226名逃犯和破获的全市最大的10个犯罪团伙进行了调查剖析,结合侦察破案的实践,经局长办公会议研究决定在全市范围内实施刑嫌调控系统工程。我们认为实施这一工程的必要性在于:(一)当前危害社会治安的主要因素是有劣迹的人员,特别是“两劳”释放人员。1996年全市破获的10大团伙,有9个是以“两劳”释放人员为骨干结成的,另一个则是作案后脱逃的案犯 Since March 1997, the Public Security Bureau of Hengshui City, Hebei Province has implemented the criminal suspect regulation and control system project in 11 counties and cities in the city and achieved good results. The implementation of this project has not only effectively promoted and deepened the fight against strikes but also become an effective means of digging criminals. It has also strengthened the basic criminal investigation work and enhanced the stamina of criminal investigation, thus taking an important step toward the modernization of criminal investigation. I. The Necessity of Carrying Out Criminal Suspicion and Controlling System Engineering In early 1997, Hengshui Municipal Public Security Bureau, on how to deepen the crackdown on fighting, strengthen the criminal investigation work and establish an effective crackdown mechanism, the organizational forces successively arrested 226 The fugitives and the cracked city’s largest 10 criminal gang conducted a survey and analysis, combined with the practice of reconnaissance and detection of crimes, the director of the office meeting decided to implement the criminal suspect regulation system project within the city. We think the necessity of implementing this project lies in: (1) The main factor currently endangering social order is that there are people who have been detrimental to their work, especially the “two labors.” Nine of the 10 major groups uncovered by the entire city in 1996 were formed with the release of personnel from the “two labors” and the other one being those who escaped after committing the crime
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