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传记文献是收藏和利用的重点、热点,也是分类实践中的难点。正因如此,有关传记文献的分类标引一直是人们极为关注的热门话题。修订后的《中图法(儿童图书馆·中小学图书馆版)第二版》(下简称《二版》)的K81传记类表在保持原有体系结构和标记符号的前提下,通过修订规范类名,增加注释等改进措施扩大了类目外延,充实明确了类目内涵,使得原先难以归类的文献,都能在《二版》找到相应位置。说明经过大幅度修订后的传记类目更具科学性和逻辑性。在此,仅就个 Biographical literature is the focus of the collection and use of hot spots, but also difficult classification practice. Because of this, the classification and indexing of biographical literature has always been a hot topic of great concern to people. The revised K81 biographical list of the second edition of China Library Classification (Children’s Library, Primary and Secondary Library Edition) (“Second Edition”), subject to the modification of the original system structure and markings, Standard class name, additional comments and other improvements to expand the category extension, enrich the clear meaning of the category, making the original difficult to classify the literature, can be found in the “second edition” of the corresponding position. It shows that the revised biographical categories are more scientific and logical. Here, just one
 会阴切口缝合术后的会阴部不适仍然是困扰着许多妇女的问题 ,临床资料显示 ,随着人工合成缝合材料的临床应用 ,可以改善会阴缝合术后不适症状。我院自 97年采用高分子材料
目的 :探讨改进后的剖宫产术式的临床应用价值。方法 :取耻骨联合上 2~ 3cm ,较Pfahnenstie切口位置高 ,即stork横切口约 12~ 14cm ,钝性分离各层 ,进腹腔撒开腹膜 ,缝合子宫时
Large-area monolayer graphene samples grown on polycrystalline copper foil by thermal chemical vapor deposition with differing CH4 flux and growth time are inve
PA_C subunit from avian influenza(H5N1) viral RNA polymerase was used in this work as a target in the screening for anti-influenza agents from licorice-derived
我科于 1994年 10月至 1999年 6月应用电视腹腔镜行子宫切除手术 16例 ,现报告如下 :1 临床资料1 1 对象 全部 16例患者中有功能性子宫出血 6例 ,子宫肌瘤 9例 ,子宫肌腺
本文通过404例外阴营养不良的临床病理研究,认为其原发病理改变为真皮层的炎症,并结合临床病理特点提出了“局限性斑样外阴炎”的命名。 In this paper, 404 cases of vulvar