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九年义务教育初中历史教材《中国历史》第二册(人教版)彩色插图中有一幅《蓬莱水城》。蓬莱地处山东半岛的最北端,负山面海,与隔海的辽东半岛对峙,构成了渤海湾的咽喉,庙岛群岛迤逦罗列其间,守卫着京津的门户,所以蓬莱历来是军事要塞。由于地理位置的险要,秦皇汉武就多次东巡来到蓬莱。汉代以来蓬莱就被列为军事重镇。到了唐代,设登州,州治在蓬莱,由于社会经济的繁荣发展,登州成为全国对外贸易的四大港口之一。北宋庆历二年(1042年),登州郡守郭志高根据朝廷的命令,开始沿滨海的丹崖山修筑起一座塞城,因为当时水军驾驶的舰船叫刀鱼战棹(形似刀鱼),所以这座寨城称为刀鱼寨。登州水军以刀鱼寨为基地,停泊战船,补充给养,训练水师,出哨巡洋,护卫着登州的外海洋面。当时任登州知州的苏轼曾记述:“自国朝以来,常屯重兵,教习水战,旦暮传烽,以通警急。自景德以后,屯兵常不下四五千人。”可见,刀鱼寨已成为 Nine years of compulsory education junior high school history textbook “Chinese history” second book (PEP) color illustrations in a “Penglai city.” Penglai is located in the northern tip of Shandong Peninsula, the negative mountainous sea, and across the sea from the Liaodong Peninsula confrontation, constitute the throat of the Bohai Bay, Miaodao archipelago listed in the meantime, guarding the gateway to Beijing and Tianjin, so Penglai has always been a military fortress. Due to the geographical location of the crisis, Qin Huang Han Wu on several trips to Penglai East. Penglai since the Han Dynasty was listed as a military town. In the Tang Dynasty, Dengzhou was established and the state was ruled in Penglai. Due to the prosperous socio-economic development, Dengzhou became one of the four major ports for foreign trade in the country. In the Northern Song Dynasty Qingli two years (1042), Deng Zhiguo prefect Guo Zhigao according to the order of the court, began to build a plug along the coastal cliff mountain, because at that time the navy driving the ship called salamander (shaped like saury), so This Walled City is called Saury. Dengzhou navy to Sawamura as the base, moored warships, supplementary feeding, training Navy, outpost cruising, guarding the outer ocean surface of Dengzhou. At that time, Su Shi, who was known as a prefect of Nantou State, once stated: "Since the Northern Wei Dynasty, Tuen Mun has been heavily involved in the operation of water battles and twilight festivals. become
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