
来源 :党的建设 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:keiryu
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我是1992年7月担任静宁县委副书记的。按常委分工,我分管组织、纪检、政法、党群等方面的工作。几年的工作实践使我深深地体会到,县委副书记履行工作职责,完成党组织分配的工作任务,需要处理好以下五个方面的关系。一、集体领导和个人分工负责的关系。集体领导和个人分工负责相结合,是党的民主集中制的基本原则之一。集体领导以个人分工负责为基础,个人分工负责是实现集体领导的保证。实践告诉我们,凡是对集体领导和个人分工负责相结合的原则坚持好的领导班子,班子就团结,领导成员的积极性、主动性和聪明才智就能得到充分发挥,作出的重大决策就正确。反之,不是决策失误,就是职责不清,无人负责,形不成拳头。因此,作为县委副书记,必须以这一原则约束和要求自己,自觉地维护县委的权威,维护集体领导。凡分管工作中涉及党的路线、方针、政策的大事,重大工作任务的部署,重要干部的提名推荐、任免、奖惩,有关群众利益的重要问题等,都要及时提交常委集体讨论决定,并将有关讨论议题和意见在会前与有关领导交换,形成共识,绝不擅自做主或“一锤定音”。平时要调查研究,对分管工作心中有数。在常委会讨论问题时,要充分发表个人的意见, I was the deputy secretary of Jingning County in July 1992. According to the Standing Committee of the division of labor, I am in charge of organization, discipline inspection, political and legal, party and other aspects of the work. Years of work experience made me realize deeply that the deputy secretary of the county fulfills the job responsibilities and accomplishes the tasks assigned by the party organization and needs to deal with the following five aspects. First, the collective leadership and individual responsible for the division of labor relations. The combination of collective leadership and individual division of labor is one of the basic principles of the party’s democratic centralism. Collective leadership is based on the individual division of labor is responsible for the responsibility of individual division of labor is to achieve the collective leadership of the guarantee. Practice tells us that all those who are responsible for the combination of collective leadership and individual division of labor adhere to the principle of a good leadership team to unite and lead the enthusiasm, initiative and ingenuity of the members can be fully utilized and the major decisions made are correct. On the contrary, not making mistakes, that is, unclear responsibilities, no one is responsible, can not form a fist. Therefore, as deputy secretary of the county party committee, he must use this principle to bind and demand himself and consciously safeguard the authority of the county party committee and safeguard collective leadership. All the important work involving the party’s line, principles and policies, the deployment of major tasks, the nomination and recommendation of important cadres, appointment and dismissal, rewards and punishments, and important issues concerning the interests of the masses are required to be promptly submitted to the people for discussion and decision in the collective discussion. The discussion topics and opinions before the meeting with the leaders exchange, consensus, must not arbitrarily call the shots or . Usually to research, in charge of the work in mind. When discussing the issues with the NPC Standing Committee, we must fully express our personal opinions,
In this paper,we are interested in solving multidimensional backward stochastic differential equations (BSDEs) with a new kind of non-Lipschitz coefficients.We