
来源 :世界核心医学期刊文摘(胃肠病学分册) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhang332974789
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Abstract Abstract Background: Transbronchial needle aspiration (TBNA) and EUS-guided FNA (EUS-FNA) are minimally invasive diagnostic approaches to mediastinal lymphadenopathy. Rapid on-site cytopathologic evaluation (ROSE) may facilitate the decision whether to proceed to a second procedure in the same session. The aim of this study was to determine the utility of TBNA with ROSE, combinedwith the option for immediate EUS-FNA in a single-session approach to mediastinal lymphadenopathy. Methods: We prospectively recruited 20 patients (12 men;mean age 66.7 ± 10.2 years) with mediastinal lymphadenopathy on CT who required cytopathologic evaluation. Bronchoscopy was first performed with TBNA and ROSE. If this was unrevealing, EUS-FNA was performed immediately afterward with ROSE. All procedures were performed with the patient under local anesthesia and sedation. Results: TBNA specimens were deemed adequate on-site in 13 patients, and EUS-FNA was performed in the remaining 7 patients. TBNA with ROSE was falsely negative in one patient. The diagnostic yield for TBNA and EUS-FNA alone was 65% and 86% , respectively. This single-session approach provided a yield of 90% , with no complications. The final diagnoses were 12 non-small-cell lung cancer, two small-cell lung cancer, one metastatic adenocarcinoma, two sarcoidosis, one tuberculosis, one lymphoma, and one with no definitive diagnosis. Conclusions: Combining TBNA with the option for EUS-FNA immediately after unrevealing TBNA gave a yield approaching that of mediastinoscopy and, therefore, may reduce the need for invasive mediastinal sampling. This single-session endoscopic approach was safe, required only local anesthesia and sedation, was convenient, and obviated the need for patients to return for a second procedure. Abstract Abstract Background: Transbronchial needle aspiration (TBNA) and EUS-guided FNA (EUS-FNA) are minimally invasive diagnostic approaches to mediastinal lymphadenopathy. Rapid on-site cytopathologic evaluation (ROSE) may facilitate the decision whether to proceed to a second procedure in the same session. The aim of this study was to determine the utility of TBNA with ROSE, combined with the option for immediate EUS-FNA in a single-session approach to mediastinal lymphadenopathy. Methods: We prospectively recruited 20 patients (12 men; mean age 66.7 ± 10.2 years) with mediastinal lymphadenopathy on CT who required cytopathologic evaluation. Bronchoscopy was first performed with TBNA and ROSE. If this was unrevealing, EUS-FNA was performed immediately afterward with ROSE. All procedures were performed with the patient under local anesthesia and Results of TBNA specimens were confirmed adequate on-site in 13 patients, and EUS-FNA was performed in the remaining 7 patients. TBNA The diagnostic yield for TBNA and EUS-FNA was was 65% and 86% respectively. This single-session approach provided a yield of 90% with no complications. The final diagnoses were 12 non -small-cell lung cancer, two small-cell lung cancer, one metastatic adenocarcinoma, two sarcoidosis, one tuberculosis, one lymphoma, and one with no definitive diagnosis. Conclusions: Combining TBNA with the option for EUS-FNA immediately after unrevealing TBNA gave a yield approaching that of mediastinoscopy and, therefore, may reduce the need for invasive mediastinal sampling. This single-session endoscopic approach was safe, required only local anesthesia and sedation, was convenient, and obviated the need for patient to return for a second procedure .
<正> 随着《吐鲁番出土文书》各册的陆续出版,学界对十六国至隋唐时期吐鲁番地区政治、经济、军事、文化等状况的研究逐渐深入,取得了很大的成果.但与此同时,由于高昌西州地区的文献记载极少,而有的出土文书又残缺不全,加上本地区本身的特殊性,造成了某些概念、内涵各家论说的意见纷纭.这是很正常的事.我相信,随着研究的更加深入,有些问题是不难解决的.本文正是本着这样的宗旨,从解读67TAM84:20号文书着手,就麴氏高昌中后期的臧钱问题,提出自己的看法,希望大家批评指正.
【中图分类号】G623.5【文献标识码】B 【文章编号】2095-3089(2012)10-0127-01  小学生的探究学习在具体的方式和方法上必须充分考虑到小学生的身心发展规律和特点,这就要求教师一方面要为学生提供足够的活动以支撑学习,另一方面又要为他们思维的加工活动提供充分的时间和空间。创设富有趣味的问题情境,激发学生探究的热情;组织、开展融操作活动与思维加工于一体的观察、实验、猜想、证明等
我科自1993年1月~1994年1月收治脑血管意外疾病147例。经头颅CT扫描检查证实,145例大脑半球病变均产生府灶对侧偏瘫,其中2例出现病灶同侧偏瘫,较为罕见,现报告如下。 Our dep