Human cytomegalovirus miR-US5-1 inhibits viral replication by targeting Geminin mRNA

来源 :Virologica Sinica | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lhbss230
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Viruses commonly create favorable cellular conditions for their survival through multiple mechanisms. Micro RNAs(mi RNAs), which function as post-transcriptional regulators, are utilized by human cytomegalovirus(HCMV) in its infection and pathogenesis. In the present study, the DNA replication inhibitor Geminin(GMNN) was identified to be a direct target of hcmv-mi R-US5-1. Overexpression of hcmv-mi R-US5-1 could block the accumulation of GMNN during HCMV infection, and the decrease of GMNN expression caused by hcmv-mi R-US5-1 or GMNN specific si RNA reduced HCMV DNA copies in U373 cells. Meanwhile, ectopic expression of hcmv-mi R-US5-1 and consequent lower expression of GMNN influenced host cell cycle and proliferation. These results imply that hcmv-mi R-US5-1 may affect viral replication and host cellular environment by regulating expression kinetics of GMNN during HCMV infection. Microuses often create favorable cellular conditions for their survival through multiple mechanisms. MicroRNAs (mi RNAs), which function as post-transcriptional regulators, are utilized by human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) in its infection and pathogenesis. In the present study, the DNA replication inhibitor Geminin (GMNN) was identified to be a direct target of hcmv-mi R-US5-1. Overexpression of hcmv-mi R-US5-1 could block the accumulation of GMNN during HCMV infection, and the decrease of GMNN expression caused by hcmv-mi R-US5-1 or GMNN specific si RNA reduced HCMV DNA copies in U373 cells. Meanwhile, ectopic expression of hcmv-mi R-US5-1 and consequent lower expression of GMNN influenced host cell cycle and proliferation. These results imply that hcmv-mi R-US5-1 may affect viral replication and host cellular environment by regulating expression kinetics of GMNN during HCMV infection.
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