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在“图书馆、档案和情报科学协会的国际指南”中列出了44个有关的国际组织。其中国际文献联合会和国际图书馆协会联合会在“指南”中占了最多的篇幅。该指南还提到国际文献工作者和情报人员联合会、国际图书馆员协会、国际档案理事会以及国际工科大学图书馆协会。除图书专业组织外,许多规模较大的国际组织也对图书馆工作作出了重要贡献。联合国教科文组织是最为主要的一个组织。联合国的其它专门机构,常常以开展情报或文献服务而作出了贡献。国际核情报系统是一个值得重视的机构,它是以维也纳的国际原子能机构为基础而建立起来的。国际标准化组织和国际图书馆协会联合会一起编辑出版 The 44 international organizations listed in the International Guide to the Association of Library, Archives and Information Science. Among them, the International Federation of Literature and the International Federation of Library Associations accounted for the largest portion of the Guide. The guide also refers to the International Federation of Literary and Information Workers, the International Association of Librarians, the International Archives Board and the International Association of University Libraries. In addition to book professional organizations, many of the larger international organizations have made important contributions to the work of libraries. UNESCO is the most important organization. Other specialized agencies of the United Nations often make their contribution by carrying out intelligence or documentation services. International Nuclear Information System is an institution worthy of attention. It was established on the basis of the Vienna International Atomic Energy Agency. International Organization for Standardization and the International Federation of Library Associations together editing and publishing
战胜 SARS,迎对酷暑,2003年综合艺术师资培训班于7月17日-28日在杭州市如期开办。这期免费培训班由中国陶行知研究会主办,浙江省绿色环保志愿者分会(绿色浙江)协办,德胜(苏
第一部分选择题(共36分) 一、(15分,每小题3分) 1.下列词语中加点字的读音完全相同的一组是 A.奇数通缉豆萁放荡不羁犄角之势 B.商榷雀跃宫阙声名鹊起生性怯懦 C.茁壮琢磨浑
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