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昆明市辖四区七县一市,其中路南彝族自治县和禄劝彝族苗族自治县为民族自治地方;还有10个民族乡及38个少数民族办事处(村公所)。全市少数民族成分共有46种,人口47万,约占全市总人口的13%。70%以上分布在边远的山区、半山区,比较贫困。 市委、市政府把解决贫困地区群众温饱,扶持他们脱贫致富,共同实现奔小康作为全市经济社会发展的重要战略任务来抓。经过连续10年的努力,仅市财政直接投入的各种扶贫资金就达2.7亿元,加上国家和省的投入累计达3.3亿多元,实施了一大批重点扶持开发项目。56万贫困人口已有36万脱贫,贫困地区的面貌发生了显著变化。 There are seven counties and one municipality under the jurisdiction of Kunming Municipality, including Nan Yi Autonomous County and Luquan Yi and Miao Autonomous County, as ethnic autonomous areas; there are also 10 ethnic townships and 38 ethnic minority offices (village offices). There are 46 ethnic minorities in the city with a population of 470,000, accounting for 13% of the city’s total population. More than 70% are distributed in remote mountainous areas and semi-mountainous areas, which are relatively poor. Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government to solve the problem of food and clothing in poverty-stricken areas, to help them get rid of poverty and common prosperity to achieve the city’s economic and social development as an important strategic task to grasp. After 10 consecutive years of hard work, all kinds of funds for poverty alleviation directly invested by the municipal finance reached 270 million yuan. In addition, a total of more than 330 million yuan has been invested by the state and the province, and a large number of key supporting development projects have been implemented. Of the 560,000 poor people, 360,000 have been lifted out of poverty and the outlook for impoverished areas has changed significantly.
Arabidopsis cDNA arrays were used to screen the local-defense-associated genes in oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.) at the challenge of Sclerotinia sclerotiorum.
引子 自从一部获国际电影大奖的《老井》放映后,海内外不少人都知晓太行深处的山西省左权县是块产生“老井”村的瘠土。于是,“老井”成了频频出现于电台报刊上的贫困愚昧的
他今年40有余,中等身材,看上去不仅有一股血气方刚、锐气十足的实干劲,而且还具备那种刚直不阿的军人气质。他,就是保康县汽车客运公司驾驶员杨文新。 杨文新是1969年元月参
The surgical outcome of most early gastric cancer (EGC) is usually satisfactory. Some cases show bone metastasis even though the depth of cancer invasion is con
江苏省宿迁市最近发生了一件事,原本黑白相间的斑马线被画师变成了萌萌哒的“3D斑马线”:小黄人、熊大、熊二、光头强等立体卡通人物在斑马线上争奇斗艳。然而,这一“创意”之举不但没有赢得众人的一致赞美,反而引来诸多网友的口诛笔伐,最终,3D斑马线在一片质疑声中寿终正寝。  对此,我深感惋惜。作为为“3D斑马线”点赞的人,我认为较传统斑马线而言,3D斑马线的优点可谓显而易见:形象直观,充满活力和时尚。对于