Phase Change-based Fixturing for Arbitrarily Shaped Components

来源 :Journal of DongHua University | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:guansuwei9
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Issues in industrialization of RFPE (Reference Free Part Encapsulation) are discussed in this paper. The issues are associated with three topics:① The location of the workpiece in the initial blank.② Problems related to material properties of the filler.③ Supported RFPE technique. A new method - adaptable location system (ATLS) is presented in this paper. ATLS consists of an array of pins which are controlled manually or automatically by an actuator. The actuation force comes from a shape memory alloy (SMA). Material properties of filler are very important for RFPE. The experiment has shown that machining error can be reduced by using conservative cutting parameters. Based on finite element analysis, the relationship between the deformation of the workpiece, the filler and the machining parameters has been achieved. A new approach, partial cage with active side wall (PCASW), allows machine tools to easily access any feature of the workpiece from different directions. It is convenient for every new se Issues in industrialization of RFPE (Reference Free Part Encapsulation) are discussed in this paper. The issues are associated with three topics: ① The location of the workpiece in the initial blank. ② Problems related to material properties of the filler. ③ Supported RFPE technique . A new method - adaptable location system (ATLS) is presented in this paper. ATLS consists of an array of pins which are controlled manually or automatically by an actuator. The actuation force comes from a shape memory alloy (SMA). Based on finite element analysis, the relationship between the deformation of the workpiece, the filler and the machining parameters has been achieved. A new approach, partial cage with active side wall (PCASW), allows machine tools to easily access any feature of the workpiece from different directions. It is conven ient for every new se
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