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平淡的日子过去也就过去了,但红火的岁月经久不忘、历久弥新,一旦被人提及,依然会激动。去年,我到沈阳铁路地区办事处造方一位昔日领导,办公室里只有另一人,此人恰巧认得我,并马上说到他还保存了登载我作品的一张报纸。他一边说起我那篇品《渔船神曲》一边去翻找那张报纸,我大吃一惊,且不说眼前这张泛黄了的报纸,单说阔别多年还能如此迅速地把我早年的作品拿出来,足以使我感动了。这篇报告文学,当年发表后我并未看到,也没有特意去找,没想到15年后才与报纸见面。我忙说:“原件你还留着,复印一份我带走。”他摊开报纸,复印了两张A4纸交给了我。 The dull days passed in the past, but the thriving years have not forgotten, they have never been forgotten, and once they are mentioned, they will still be excited. Last year, when I went to Shenyang Railroad Regional Office to make a recipe for a former leader and there was only one other person in the office, this person happened to recognize me and immediately said that he also kept a newspaper on which my work was posted. When I talked about my article “Fishing Divine Comedy” while looking for the newspaper, I was taken aback by surprise, not to mention this yellowed newspaper in front of us. Come out, enough to make me moved. This reportage, after the publication of that year I did not see, nor did I specifically look for, did not expect to meet with the newspaper after 15 years. I’m busy saying: “You still keep the original, I will take a copy. ” He spread out the newspaper, copied two sheets of A4 paper to me.
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