Letter to the Editor

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Open-access journals;Advances in Entomology
The increased importance of the G. mellonella for wide range of scientific research and commercial sides will need to create a germplasm resource banking by cry
英国皇家警察厅在最近进行的一项“回顾历史法案”的行动中,选择了一些很有参考与借鉴意义的奇特案例来作为当今警官们的经典案例教材,并相继刊载于今年的《英格兰传奇》杂志上。《阳光杀手》就是刊于最新一期《英格兰传奇》杂志上的真实故事,该故事发生在上世纪初的英国。  伦敦威廉王府的主人是卡尔王子,他有个习惯,每天上午外出打猎,中午回来后都要靠在皮椅上休息一会。今天上午,卡尔王子打猎一无所获,便很扫兴地往皮椅
Camel crickets (Orthoptera: Rhaphidophoridae) are a group of wingless and humpbacked Orthopteran insects. They are closed relatives to katydids and crickets;the
Trypanosomosis remains the number one killer of livestock in spite of efforts made to eradicate tsetse flies in the Adamawa plateau of Cameroon. Acetone-baited
课堂教学是实施素质教育和课程改革的主阵地, 课堂教学的优质高效是一个历久弥新的命题.“创建高效课堂” 是实施素质教育的需要, 是课程改革的必然选择.但目前初中语文课堂
The ladybird beetles (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) have great economic importance as natural enemies. Three hundred individuals belonging to 6 genera and 7 specie
Objectives: It is often stressed that anxiety alters perceptions of the world by way of processes like the rapid detection of threats and the exaggeration of ri
Although infrequent, there are patients who present themselves to surgeons and ask that a limb be amputated. Generally, such patients fall into one of three cat