
来源 :湖南消防 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cxddqqqqqq
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”一、填空题:二。选择题:1、湖南省建筑消防设施监测中心是根据公安部1、建筑消防设施投入使用前,应由具有资质的(和湖南省)对建筑消防设施进行检查测试,出具检测报告。公安消防总队,A、设计单位B、施工单位文件精神,经省公安厅批准成立的。C、使用单位D、消防设施专业检测 First, fill in the blank question: Second, multiple-choice questions: 1 Hunan Provincial Construction Fire Facilities Monitoring Center is based on the Ministry of Public Security 1, before the construction of fire-fighting facilities put into use, should be qualified (and Hunan Province) to test the building fire-fighting facilities , Issued a test report. Public Security Fire Brigade, A, design unit B, the spirit of the construction unit documents, approved by the Provincial Public Security Department was established. C, the use of units D, fire detection equipment professional testing
1990年我们在江西省鹰潭市中国科学院红壤生态实验站,进行接种根瘤菌时拌钼肥对花生增产效果影响的研究.目的为丘陵红壤花生高产栽培提供科学依据. In 1990, we studied the
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