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叶昌炽的《藏书纪事诗》开创性地以纪事诗形式记录我国五代到清末1100多位藏书家的故事。每首纪事诗下,都征引上自正史、下迄稗乘方志中有关藏书、刻书、校书、收书、抄书、读书的资料,中间还加上叶氏自己的考订,是一部包含古代古籍版本、目录、校勘、印刷等方面丰富史料的“诗史”性质的工具书。已故复旦大学中文系教授王欣夫先生,经数十年的积累又为叶书做了大量的纠谬补阙工作,增补了不少新材料,勘称叶书之功臣。1989年上海古籍出版社出版该书标点本,并附以王氏补正和索引,极便读者利用。笔者在编纂《苏州市志》有关书家篇章时,常备案头,每有所获,辄录以求征。兹录辨误两则,以求教于专家。 Ye Changchi’s “Collection of Chronicle Poems” pioneered the record of the story of more than 1100 bibliophiles in our country from the Five Dynasties to the end of the Qing Dynasty in the form of Chronicle. Under each Chronicle of Poetry, it is cited from the official history. From the time of its entry into the barnyard aristocracy, information on collection, carving, school, collection, copying and reading of books is included. In addition, Ancient books version, catalog, collation, printing and other aspects of enriching the history of the “poetic history” nature of the tool. The late Fudan University Professor Wang Xinfu Chinese Department, after decades of accumulation for Ye Shu made a lot of mistakes complement Que work, added a lot of new materials, surveyed the hero of Ye Shu. 1989 Shanghai Ancient Books Publishing House published the punctuation of this book, and attached to Wang correction and index, extremely convenient for readers to use. When I edited the book about the book of the book of Suzhou City, I always stood for the record, and when I got it, I asked for admission. I recorded two errors in order to learn from experts.
Emperor Wudi of the Western Han Dynasty sent Zhang Qian as an ambassador from the Central Empire to the western regions in 139 BC. Zhang opened a continental t
项楚先生所著《敦煌变文选注》,搜采丰赡,校注精详,令人叹服.笔者近读此书,遇有疑问,爱为札记,以求正于方家.一、从帐下来犹未醒,乱杀何曾识姓名.(《汉将王陵变》P112) Mr.
1 概述建国以来 ,福建省水利水电工程建设取得巨大成就。至2 0 0 0年 ,已建和在建各类水利水电工程 30多万处 ,其中江海堤防约 5 5 0 0多km ;总库容量超过 1亿m3 的大型水库 17