Influence of gadolinium on microstructure and magnetic properties of sintered NdGdFeB magnets

来源 :Journal of Rare Earths | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:mailxxf
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The effect of Gd content on microstructure and magnetic properties of sintered Nd33.03-xGdxFe65.65B1.32 (x=0-2) was studied in this paper to improve the thermal stability of NdFeB and to reduce the raw material cost. The results showed that better magnet performance could be obtained by adding Gd (0-1.5 wt.%) with partial substitution of Nd in Nd33.03-xGdxFe65.65B1.32. It was also found that the Nd33.03-xGdxFe65.65B1.32 magnets showed the best performance when Gd addition increased to 1.0 wt.%. The temperature coefficient Br (α) could be improved from -0.15%/oC to -0.063%/oC (maximum work temperature 120 oC) and the Curie temperature could be improved from 315 oC to 323 oC because the Gd2Fe14B had positive temperature coefficient Br (α) and higher Curie temperature than that of Nd2Fe14B. The coercivity could be improved from 10.2 to 11.48 kOe and the microstructure was close to ideal microstructure. The magnetic performance decreased sharply by adding Gd (above 2 wt.%) with partial substitution of Nd in Nd33.03-xGdxFe65.65B1.32 because the Gd element concen-trated in the grain boundaries. The effect of Gd content on microstructure and magnetic properties of sintered Nd33.03-xGdxFe65.65B1.32 (x = 0-2) was studied in this paper to improve the thermal stability of NdFeB and to reduce the raw material cost. The results showed that better magnet performance could be obtained by adding Gd (0-1.5 wt.%) with partial substitution of Nd in Nd33.03-xGdxFe65.65B1.32. It was also found that the Nd33.03-xGdxFe65.65B1.32 magnets showed the best performance when Gd increased more to 1.0 wt.%. The temperature coefficient Br (α) could be improved from -0.15% / oC to -0.063% / oC (maximum work temperature 120 oC) and the Curie temperature could be The coercivity could be improved from 10.2 to 11.48 kOe and the microstructure was close to the ideal microstructure. The magnetic performance improved from 315 oC to 323 oC because the Gd2Fe14B had positive temperature coefficient Br (α) and higher Curie temperature than that of Nd2Fe14B. sharply by adding Gd (above 2 wt.%) with partial s ubstitution of Nd in Nd33.03-xGdxFe65.65B1.32 because the Gd element concen-trated in the grain boundaries.
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编辑同志: 贵刊一九七八年第八期所载“奋乃静药物反应三例”很有参考价值。本人近期于临床中遇到一组(26例)因服奋乃静而发生特殊药物反应的病例,年龄最小6岁,最大53岁,绝
本文以25种文献材料为基础,研究计算机化对科研工作方法和组织形式的影响,分析近20多年来历史数据库猛增的原因,介绍其分类情况及历史信息系统网络的现状和发展趋势。 Based
慢性活动性肝炎(CAH)合并肾小管性酸中毒(RTA)病例少见。我院1978年4月收治1例,现报告如下。病例报告患者王××,男性,48岁。于6年前患 Chronic active hepatitis (CAH) wi
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