Water Salute1 Tradition水门礼

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  Have you ever been in an airport and seen the firefighter truck spraying water on a plane before? The first time I witnessed2 such, I thought the plane caught fire! Poor me, little did I know that the plane was being given a Water Salute!
  The water salute is a touching airport tradition to honor heroes, foreign leaders, new airline service and so on. Salutes typically involve two fire engines spraying arcs3 of water over an arriving or departing flight. It is a sign of respect, honor and gratitude. Each water salute, which lasts about two minutes, can use as much as 3,000 gallons of water.
  An airport should have a necessary number of fire engines available so that they can respond to emergencies that may take place in any other part of the airport.
  At an airport, typically an even4 number of fire engines will line up on the sides of the taxiway or apron5, and the plumes of water will form a series of arches. It looks similar to a wedding arch in a bridal party or the saber6 arch at a military ceremony.
  Water salutes have been used to mark the retirement of a senior pilot or air traffic controller, the first or last flight of an airline to an airport, the first or last flight of a type of aircraft, or other notable events. When the Concorde7 flew its last flight from John F. Kennedy International Airport, blue, white and red coloured plumes were used.
  It is interesting to note that water salute is not unique to airplanes alone.
  Water salutes are also used for ships and other watercraft, with water being delivered by fireboats. This is often done for the first or last visit or retirement of a senior captain, the first or last cruise8 of a ship, the visit of a warship, or other ceremonial9 occasions.
  No one knows exactly when and where did water salute in airports start. It is well known, though, that back to the days of the ocean liners, it was common for fireboats to spray them with their water cannons when they were leaving or entering a port.
  1. salute [
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