
来源 :社会与公益 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lifeisaboat
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教育公益一直是社会关注的焦点,因为教育本身具有公益的色彩,承载着沉重的社会责任,也因为教育公益与“留守儿童”、“流动儿童”两个群体息息相关,而且两者数量庞大,约占当今中国儿童的三分之一。如何在教育公益领域探索跨界创新?如何推动中国教育公平化、教育多元化建设?带着这些思考,教育公益组织正在当下的教育改革或教育创新中,扮演着越来越重要的角色,他们在努力弥补政府、市场的不足,让留守儿童、流动儿童以及贫困儿童的基础教育不再缺失。“教育是实现人类平等的伟大工具,它的作用比任何其他人类的发明都伟大得多。”美国“公立学校之父”的贺拉斯·曼这样说。 Educational public welfare has always been the focus of attention in society because education itself has the color of public welfare and carries heavy social responsibilities. Education public welfare is also closely linked to the two groups of “left-behind children” and “floating children,” and both Large in number, accounting for about one-third of today’s Chinese children. How to explore cross-border innovation in the field of education, public welfare? How to promote the fairness of education in China, education diversification? With these thoughts, educational non-profit organizations are playing an increasingly important role in the current education reform or education innovation, they In an effort to make up for the lack of government and markets, basic education for left-behind children, migrant children and poor children is no longer lacking. “Education is a great tool for realizing human equality and its role is far greater than the invention of any other human being.” "Horace Mann, father of public schools in the United States, says so.
患者,女。33岁。孕4产1,孕28周。于1999年5月29日9:30入院。主诉:停经30周,胎动消失1个月,阴道出血7天。现病史:患者未次月经 1998年9月 21日,停经40大有口恶心,择食等反应,持续1个月,停经5个月觉胎动,1个月前发现胎动停止
1995~1999年,我们收治直肠癌患者103例,其中误诊48例,误诊率高达46.6%。现就48例误诊病例作一回顾分析。 一般资料:本组48例中,男30例,女18例;年龄28~76岁,平均49岁。其中37例住院前曾在当地医院就诊,均未做过直肠指诊,也未
范蠡是我国春秋战国之际越国的大夫。他辅助越王勾践,在公元前473年灭吴后,弃 Fan Li is China’s Spring and Autumn Period on the occasion of the country doctor. He
患者 ,男 ,95岁 ,因“反复咳嗽、咳痰5 a,加重伴发热 10 d”入院。查体 :t 37.4℃ ,BP:2 0 /11k Pa,神志清 ,对答如流 ,贫血貌 ,皮肤有散在瘀斑 ,口腔粘膜多处溃疡 ,全身浅表