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疼痛是一类病理性感觉,是许多疾病经常出现的一种症状,有时还作为主症。疼痛不仅影响病者精神、体力,而且有时可引起虚脱,甚至危及生命。认识疼痛的机转和掌握镇痛方法是十分重要的。一、疼痛机转当致病因子(致癌性刺激)作用于人体,而产生疼痛的感觉,一般依循三个阶段(即三个层次)和一个必经传递途径。三个阶段为营气阻滞、气血凝结、心神内动;一个必经传递途径是经络传导。(一)营气阻滞:体内外各种邪气如六淫、七情、痰浊等作用于人体,邪气阻塞经络而导致疼痛发生。如《素问·痛论》“寒气入经而稽迟,泣而不行,客于脉外则血少,客于脉中则气不通,故卒然而痛。” Pain is a type of pathological sensation, a frequent symptom of many diseases, and sometimes as the main symptom. Pain not only affects the patient’s mental and physical strength, but can sometimes cause collapse or even life-threatening. It is important to understand the mechanism of pain and to master the methods of analgesia. First, the pain machine turns when the pathogenic factor (carcinogenic stimulation) acts on the human body, and produces the feeling of pain, generally follow three stages (ie three levels) and one must pass through. The three stages are blockade of qi, condensation of blood and blood, and internal psyche; one must pass through the meridians. (1) Responsibility for camp-breathing: various evils in and out of the body, such as six obscenities, seven emotions, turbidity, etc., act on the human body, and the evil obstructs the meridians and causes pain. For example, “Su Wen Pain Theory” “Cold air enters the classics and passes late, but weeps without going. When the guest is outside the vein, there is less blood. When the guest is in the vein, it is unreasonable. Then it is painful.”
本文对50例动脉粥样硬化患者进行了中药长寿灵冲剂治疗前后免疫功能的观察,发现患者治疗前血清循环免疫复合物含量明显高于健康人,其中与健康人比 IgG和 IgA 含量,P
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