Transversal Flux Scanning Induction Heating of Magnetic Nonlinear Steel Sheets With Temperature Depe

来源 :Journal of Iron and Steel Research(International) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:andykoy
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This paper deals with finite element study of the scanning induction heating of the magnetic steel sheets in transversal flux devices,taking into account the magnetic nonlinearity and the dependence on temperature of steel properties.The decrease of the non-uniformity of the transversal profile of sheet heating as effect of the magnetic or electromagnetic screening of the sheet lateral sides was proved. This paper deals with the finite element study of the scanning induction heating of the magnetic steel sheets in transversal flux devices, taking into account the magnetic nonlinearity and the dependence on temperature of steel properties. Decrease of the non-uniformity of the transversal profile of sheet heating as effect of the magnetic or electromagnetic screening of the sheet lateral sides was proved.
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