Things to Do in Barcelona 遇见巴塞罗那

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  Barcelona is a city in Spain. It is the capital and largest city of Catalonia, as well as the largest metropolis1 on the Mediterranean Sea. Barcelona is one of the world’s leading tourist, economic, trade fair and cultural centers. And its influence in commerce2, education, en-tertainment, media, fashion, science, and the arts all contribute to its status as one of the world’s main global cities. Barcelona was the fifth most visited city in Europe after London, Paris, Istanbul and Rome.

Magic Fountain


  In 1929, a combination3 display of water, music and light was built. It was restored4 in 1992 and provides an amazing show every half hour.
  Palau de la Música Catalana—an icon of modernist architecture5 in downtown Barcelona
  The Palau de la Música Catalana is one of the most representative6 monuments7 of the city and it is one of the most famous tourist attractions of Barcelona. It was built by the great architect Lluis between 1905 and 1908. The Palau is an architec-tural jewel of Catalonia and important part of any visit to the city. In 1997, this historical building became a World Heritage Site. It offers an experience so magical that visitors fall in love with it.

Interactive8 Spanish Cooking Experience in Barcelona


  You can learn to make Spanish tapas9, traditional paella10, and sangria11 with a Barcelona chef, then share a big dinner of classic local dish that you’ve made yourself. All great Spanish food starts with super fresh ingredients12. This hands-on Spanish cooking class includes snacks, dr-inks, and dinner.

Barcelona e-Bikes


  Barcelona e-bike tours is the opportunity to see Barcelona with lots of fun and little effort on this 2.5-hour electric bike tour. The tour is led by an expert local guide. The e-bike is easy to use. The bikes have electric motors. They will start as soon as you ride. It means that you’ll see all the city sights without getting out of breath!


  1. metropolis n. 大都市;重要中心
  2. commerce n. 贸易;商业
  3. combination n. 结合
  4. restore vt. 恢复;归还
  5. architecture n. 建筑学;一座建筑物
  6. representative adj. 代表的;典型的
  7. monument n. 纪念碑;历史遗迹;不朽的作品
  8. interactive adj. 交互式的;相互作用的
  9. tapas n. (西班牙餐馆的)餐前小吃
  10. paella n. (西班牙的)肉菜饭
  11. sangria n. 桑格利亚汽酒
  12. ingredient n. 原料
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众所周知,手势语与人们的日常生活息息相关,但是,你知道吗?有时,同样的手势在不同的国家或地区含义迥然不同。因此,“When in Rome, do as the Romans do.(入乡随俗。)”仍然是我们应该恪守的重要规则,否则你会感到很尴尬的。  一、Gesture1 OK OK手势  In most cultures, the OK sign means “good” or “satisf