
来源 :北京成人教育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liulang_6699
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自进入90年代以来,北京市初中毕业生人数进入了高峰,为使绝大多数初中毕业生能升学读书,市政府要求有条件的成人中专站校挖掘潜力参加中招。我区初中毕业生和全市一样,1993年9848人;1995年10903人;经预测,1997年将达到顶峰是13546人,此种情况,将一直延续到2000年以后。为了大力发展职业教育,培养本区合格的社会主义现代化建设者和接班人,早在1990年在区政府主管领导的关心和指导 Since entering the 1990s, the number of junior middle school graduates in Beijing has reached its peak. In order for the vast majority of middle school graduates to go to school, the municipal government requires the qualified adult secondary school to tap into the potential. The junior middle school graduates in our district, like the whole city, had 9848 in 1993 and 10,903 in 1995. It is predicted that the peak will reach 13,546 in 1997. Such situation will continue after 2000. In order to vigorously develop vocational education and cultivate a qualified socialist modernization builder and successor in this area, as early as 1990, he took the leadership and care leadership of the district government
Do you like salad?I like!I can make fruit salad too. 1.Peel(剥、削)three bananas,two oranges, one apple,one mango,one pear and one watermelon. 2.Cut the bananas
We took the fight to al Qaeda,decimated their leadership,and put them on a path to defeat.And thanks to the courage and skill of our intelligence personnel and
植入胎盘是潜伏的高危妊娠,产前、产时不易确诊,一旦发病可导致高危分娩。近年来我科在剖宫产手术中发现部分性植入胎盘4例,徒手剥离后严重出血,现报告如下:1 临床资料例1:2
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研究目的探讨β_2—微球蛋白与妊娠高血压综合征临床意义研究设计病例对照研究研究对象 36例妊娠高血压综合征患者,孕周28~40周,年龄22~30岁;对照组为40例正常晚期妊娠孕妇。处