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目前,中国能够参加国际分工的部分还多处在附加价值的最低端。中国人还远没有到为世界工厂的称号而陶醉的时候,因为我们的产业基础仍然脆弱,规模偏小、品牌缺失、技术含量低,而我们赖以发展的成本优势却在不断丧失。 At present, the part that China can participate in the international division of labor is still mostly at the lowest value of added value. The Chinese are still far from intoxicated with the title of a factory in the world because our industrial base is still fragile, small in size, lack of brand names and low-tech, and the cost advantages we rely on are constantly losing.
人乳腺珠蛋白 (hMAM)为乳腺组织特异性蛋白 ,是一种新的可能具有临床应用前景的乳腺癌标志物。近几年国内外研究者对hMAM在乳腺、淋巴结、外周血和骨髓中的表达及其与乳腺癌
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