Integrating traditional Chinese medicine into mainstream healthcare system in Hong Kong, China-A mod

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The European Congress for Integrative Medicine 2015 Global Summit on Integrative Medicine and Healthcare in Greater Copenhagen has successfully promoted integrative medicine to the public once again. Integrative medicine, which is called the art and science of healthcare by Nordic Integrative Medicine, has been widely used in the world. In Hong Kong, integrated traditional Chinese and West medicine, which is also known as the Chinese version of integrative medicine, provides a valuable reference for the development of integrative medicine in the world. In this article, we introduce the development of traditional Chinese medicine in Hong Kong and an integrated traditional Chinese and West medicine model in the University of Hong Kong-Shenzhen Hospital.
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肥胖对身体是有害的,许多人都认识到了这一点,因此为了有健康的身体,许多肥胖的人都在减肥,这无可非议。但很多人往往将“减肥”与“减体重”等同起来,其实这并不科学,专家们也修正了这一看法。  专家指出:大多数肥胖属于单纯性肥胖,是由于摄入过多的高热量食物,而运动、消耗不够。导致脂肪多余积聚引起的,减肥就是减掉这些多余的脂肪。尽管一些人看起来体重超常,但并没有多余的脂肪,也就没有减肥的必要。如一些举重、
On September 26–27, 2015, the 8th European Congress for Integrative Medicine convened the Global Summit on Integrative Medicine and Healthcare in Greater Copen
诸君切莫会错意,题中“三五”绝非香烟品牌,而是养生健身品牌。“三五”即是三个“五”健身方法,分别是:饮食健康要“五吃”,运动健身要“五练”,心理卫生要“五知”。    饮食健康要“五吃”    (1)吃野。饮食回归自然,多吃无污染的野菜、野果,少吃人工速成的化肥菜、激素菜、农药菜。许多地方都出野菜,山林野地、田埂屋后,时时采摘,既可健身,又享口福,何乐而不为?  (2)吃素。素为常,荤少量,是合理